Chapter 327
Chapter 140 Chapter Eight
You are my elf!

Later, when she was resisted by the man in black, she was kicked on the buttocks, and she fell into a mess.

I thought she was frustrated and was about to run away, but I didn't know that she was not afraid at all. Her big thief eyes rolled around, and she smiled slyly, tore off her skirt and wrapped it with a stone , Throw it into the pond with all your strength.

As expected, the eyes of the man in black were covered with lime, and he could only rely on his ears to hear the wind, but he didn't know that he had fallen for her tricks, and he flew over to hug a rock, but he knew it too late. "Plop" into the water.The lime all over his face made him scream in pain when he saw the water.

But she was full of joy, clapping her little hands and cheering: "Yeah! I won, I won! Humph! Who told you to kill me! It's just a stinky bat, do you want to kill me too? It's a gift for you to use your eyes!" This is a lesson for you to dare to bully underage girls next time!"

Oh, I really want to laugh!Stinky bat?It's really an image.

I have been watching from the side, I originally wanted to wait until she lost the enemy before making a move, but I didn't know that she got it done easily.I quietly stood behind her, wanting to watch her up close, but I didn't know that she turned around suddenly and threw herself into my arms.

What's even more amusing is that she didn't even look at it, and cursed: "Who is it? Don't you wear your eyes when you go out? You hit me to death..."

I once again have the urge to laugh, go out without eyes?Can the eyes still rest at home?

She rubbed her eyes and finally looked at me.Surprised and slightly flustered.Her face was full of embarrassment, dust and broken leaves were all over her head, and half of her dress was torn off.But despite being so embarrassed like a beggar on the side of the road, she didn't hide the aura emanating from her at all!
Especially those big rogue eyes, flashing, full of wisdom and cunning, gave her an aura that could not be ignored, forcing people to come to her.I was almost engrossed in looking at it. Those eyes seemed to be smiling into my heart. That stagnant heart moved in an instant, as if it had been enlivened by her...

But she rolled her eyes suddenly, smiled slyly, and then asked me weakly, am I a bad person?I really wanted to laugh, but I was afraid of frightening her, so I just kept silent.She suddenly showed an innocent and pure smile, especially those eyes, which made people look so bright and innocent.

When I was fascinated by it, she suddenly said: "You look so good-looking, aren't you a god?"

(End of this chapter)

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