Chapter 328
Chapter 140 Chapter Eight
You are my elf!

I couldn't help sobbing, she blinked a few times suddenly, a few teardrops rolled down from those big sneaky eyes without warning, sniffing her nose aggrievedly, He looked like he was being bullied badly.

I was shocked by her!
I don't understand why a person's expression can change so quickly in an instant?And the image is realistic?First cunning, then innocence, and now wronged?Did you even cry when you said tears?

While I was still shocked by her, she said something that I still remember now.She said, "That bat bullied me just now, god, you have to avenge me, at least give him 10 palm strikes!"

Then she threw herself into my arms with snot and tears all over her face!
To be honest, I have never seen such a girl with ghosts and elves, she is so cute and cunning, when she threw herself into my arms, I vaguely saw the cunning at the corner of her mouth, and her teary eyes, but Still big eyes.

Sure enough, as soon as I moved my hand, I grabbed her wrist.

"Boom!" The dagger in her hand fell to the ground immediately.I was shocked by her again, why would such a cute elf want to kill me without saying a word?In an instant, my mind turned around many times, and I even thought that she might be an assassin sent by the enemy, deliberately attracting me to approach, and then looking for an opportunity to assassinate me.

"Are you going to kill me?" I asked in disbelief and a little chilling.

How I wish she wasn't an assassin, because I found such an elf with great difficulty. If I was disappointed, I couldn't help but be so angry that I would kill her myself!God knows how interested I am in her, especially those big eyes that are always flashing in front of my eyes.

But she pouted unconvincedly and retorted: "Obviously you have so many men bullying me, a little girl, why do you want me to kill you?" It is generally said: "I see that you are a good-looking talent, personable, extraordinary temperament, and imposing appearance. As long as you work hard in the future, you will definitely be a dragon and phoenix among the people. You will have a bright future waiting for you to spread out, and you will have a beautiful country, etc. I want you to give pointers, and there is a century-old fragrance, which will last forever for future generations to praise. But you... you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, you, and that stinky bat, so that you are reduced to a bully like me without any resistance. Don't you regret your future and dig your own grave for a little girl who is so powerful?"

I wanted to laugh out loud again, and the corners of my mouth twitched. This ghost, what is in her little head?

Seeing her treacherous eyeballs roll around, I thought immediately, what the hell is she trying to do?Sure enough, she thought I was being fooled, so she patted my clothes and said good-bye to leave.

Of course I won't let her go!

(End of this chapter)

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