Chapter 329
Chapter 140 Chapter Eight
You are my elf!

I don't know if it was God's will or some kind of fate, but she sprained her foot and leaned to the side with an "ouch".

I held her in my arms without even thinking about it, it was so light, so soft, and such a wonderful feeling!I - my heart is moved!I swear secretly in my heart, no matter whether he is an assassin or what other status, I will fix her!
The so-called love at first sight, is it so?

I feel very happy. I have been arrogant since I was a child. This is the first time I have such a happy feeling.Very real and very fulfilling.Because she is in my arms.Such a ghost elf was bestowed upon me by the heavens, and I will definitely not let her fly away.

"Hey, where are you taking me? Let me down quickly, kill me if you want, don't torture me, my meat doesn't taste good, it's so sour no matter how you do it, and it's stuck between your teeth, eat it It is not easy to digest, it is easy to cause kidney stones, and it can also cause infertility..."

Listening to her talking nonsense restlessly in my arms, I really want to laugh out loud.What messy, non-digestible causes infertility?I held back so hard, and forced out a few words: "I don't eat people!"

You don't need to look to know that she is rolling her thieving eyes in my arms, thinking of a way to slip away.

But I will definitely not let her slip away, but I will not tell her, lest she be frightened.Zhen, I am really careful, and I can't even believe it. How can there be such a ghostly elf in this world?Naughty, cute, mischievous, cunning, playful...

I was startled, why can I tell so many good things about her only when we met for the first time?
I brought her into my resting place in Tingxiang Garden, and then I personally ordered hot water to be prepared for her. She was covered in plaster, which made me filthy too.But the big eyes of the pair of thieves were always flashing in front of him, and his heart moved, no, that ghost elf would never stay there so peacefully.

He casually called someone to prepare hot water, and by the way, called the accompanying imperial physician.I turned back again, and sure enough, I saw the ghost elf tiptoeing with two shoes, the thief Xixi walked to the window, and left a few footprints of the shoes on the window, throwing one in front of the window and the other in the window. out the window.Then she went back again, looked around frantically, and slipped under the bed...

Ghost girl!Really smart!I unconsciously laughed again...

(End of this chapter)

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