Chapter 330
Chapter 140 Chapter Eight
You are my elf!

Physician Wang came with a medicine box, and I went in with him.

Seeing the girl's layout, Doctor Wang really thought she jumped out of the window and left.I didn't say a word, picked up the shoe that was left in front of the window, sat on the bed and studied it carefully.By the way, test her patience to see how long she can squat under the bed.

Even the shoes that this ghost elf wears are different from other people's shoes, and there are several layers of soles, which are so much higher because of the white pads, no wonder he sprained his feet.Her petite body flashed before my eyes, and the feeling of holding her just now was so light, like an elf, as if the emptiness was so ethereal that it didn't exist...

About half an hour later, she didn't move at all, I easily moved the bed, saw her squatting obediently under the bed, very happy, and suddenly asked: "Do you want to come out?" ?”

Without even thinking about it, she blurted out, "Nonsense! It's stuffy and suffocating, it's the puppy who doesn't want to come out!"

Heh, she finally lost her patience, but she had to squat there again.Whoever told that person to come here indiscriminately, I should only punish her, so that she would know that sometimes she has to be obedient in front of me.

She finally realized what was going on. There were shock and astonishment on her little face, but she was not afraid. I wanted to laugh, but I couldn't help but want to scare her. I deliberately turned cold and looked very angry, and picked her up. Throw it on the bed.I grabbed her foot and wanted to take off her socks to see how bad her sprain was...

The ghost elf was probably really frightened, so he screamed and shouted at the top of his voice. "Ah? You... you, you, you, what do you want to do? I'm a showman, not a person. It's against the law for you to do this... Big pervert, help!..."

I froze for a moment, did I sell my art?Could it be that she is a girl from a brothel?
How did the latter sentence turn into shouting for help from the pervert?Is this ghost elf really frightened by me? When the pervert sees a elf like her, he will only bully her, and how can he save her?
But she didn't care so much, as soon as Zhen's hand touched her foot, she cried out in pain, what a pain to death, and called me a beast.If my concubines let me treat their foot injuries so considerately, I don't know how touched they will be, but she is not only ungrateful, but also dares to scold me, it is really angry and funny.

"Don't move, if you move your legs again, you will be useless!"

I threatened her with words, but she really obediently stopped moving.This gave me a slight sense of accomplishment, he... is still a little afraid of me.It just so happened that Xiao Huai bad came over, so she asked Huai Hua to watch her, and I was going to interrogate that stinky bat.

Stinky bat?Heh, when did I come under her influence and call me a stinky bat? ——
I went shopping today, and I came back very late, so I will post the saved manuscript now.

No matter how late Feifei is today, he will finish posting the extra volume of King of the Farts, write a section and post a section~~
Huhu, if you are willing to wait, just wait to finish watching~~~ It is estimated to be around 15 knots.

Tomorrow I will write about rivers and lakes~~~hehe~~
(End of this chapter)

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