Chapter 332
Chapter 140 Chapter Eight
You are my elf!

She ran like a rabbit, she thought she was clever and turned left and right, but she just threw herself into my arms and sent her into my arms.

I looked at her amusedly, she jumped up like a frightened little rabbit, but I caught her just in time.I decided to tease her, "You throw yourself into your arms like this, do you count as seducing me?"

Guiling looked pitiful, "Can you let me go first?"

Let go of you?of course not!I smiled, "Let go of you? Like last time, stab me again?" Looking back carefully, every look, every movement, and every expression of her that day seemed to be let go one by one.

"I saved you one after another, how should you repay me?"

The ghost, the elf, the thief rolled his eyes, and his ruddy cherry lips were like peach blossoms, "You won't let me promise you with your body, will you?"

"Hey!" I couldn't help laughing!I have never laughed since I was sensible!Because I am the emperor, I must always give my courtiers a distance of awe. When my father was alive, I was specially trained for this for three months.Since then, I haven't laughed.Even though he wanted to laugh like hell in his heart, he restrained himself and endured it.As an emperor, this is a must!
But today, I laughed!
Promise with your body?Very well, Ghost Spirit is really a gift from heaven to me, she really understands my heart!From the bottom of my heart, I lifted her chin and watched her face carefully.It's not like that all over the country, but it has an aura that makes my heart beat!Those big thieving eyes were flickering, stirring my heart.

"From today onwards, you are my servant, you want to call me king..."

"Brother Wang, right?" She blinked and rolled her eyes in a ghostly way, "I knew it a long time ago, I told me about everything that happened that day, as well as your family background, who you worked for, etc., I know all about it." …Hmph! Including….”

The ghost spirit suddenly stopped, hanging on me deliberately.

I let her play tricks, but she suddenly smiled mischievously, my eyes lit up, and I saw her tickle my little!This ghost is getting cuter and cuter, I couldn't hold back my laughter, and bent down, really wanting to hear what the hell she was up to.

"Actually, I didn't say anything, I just like to tease a self-righteous guy, hehe..."

After all, he actually slipped past me like a loach from the side of me.I laughed and thought about it together, so I played with her.Quickly flashed through a door, she didn't see me when she turned her head, she thought she had succeeded, she ran faster than a rabbit, and she was still muttering.

I couldn't help but follow her, her words and deeds were full of youthful vigor and vigor, as long as I looked at her, my heart was filled with a warm and heartwarming feeling!

My little elf is you!

(End of this chapter)

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