Chapter 333
Chapter 140 Chapter Eight
You are my elf!

I brought her back to the palace, this is what I have always wanted to do.

And immediately notified Empress Murong Xueyan, she has been doing a good job and managed the harem in an orderly manner for me.So, I sometimes respect her.Feifei is one of my people, and I want her to protect her well, not to hurt her in the slightest, let alone abide by any rules of the palace.

She is an elf in nature, and the rules of the palace cannot be used to restrain her.

There are really many terms and conditions of ghosts and spirits. I have always been the only one who orders others to do things, so how can others bargain?But she wants to bargain with you, and she won't budge.I deliberately bluffed her face, so she became a little better.

Forget it, let her go, I have never doted on someone like this before, because she is my own and my heart, and doting on her is tantamount to letting my heart go.

She was given a gold medal, and it was the only one.With her personality, it is inevitable that she will get into trouble, and if necessary, she can take it out to save her life, and wait for me to save her!It's good for her, seeing the gold medal as gold, she even bit her teeth, I was so pissed off!
Yunyi went to see him, I knew about his relationship with Feifei, and even gave Feifei the ring that was passed down from his father!Because of this matter, the queen mother even approached me and asked Yunyi to take it back.snort!Feifei is my heart, even if it is Yunyi, I can't give it up!
Who knew that Yunyi brought the West Crown Prince, I already knew about his affair with Baihuayan, and thought he was just joking when he wanted to marry Feifei as the Crown Princess, so he begged me to give Feifei to him in person !

"She is mine!" This is what I replied to him at that time.

Ghost spirit is indeed a troublemaker, even worse than bad.He actually broke into the Queen Mother's Longevity Garden, and even broke the Queen Mother's favorite Wanshouchun.Fortunately, her nonsense enough to fool the queen mother, otherwise I would have to intercede with the queen mother for her sake.

However, I am willing!

But I was still very angry, and told her to wait obediently, but she slipped out disobediently, so I furiously punished him in the bedroom for giving me a bath.Seeing the embarrassment on her face, all my anger disappeared!
I am teasing her, seeing that she can't even undress me, she almost loses her temper!

Suddenly my heart skipped a beat, there is an assassin!My first reaction was to hug her and get down together.If this assassin hurts her, I will regret it forever!

Sure enough, it was him again, this assassin followed me like a shadow.There have been at least 5 assassinations!

In fact, I have already thought of who it is, but I am always unwilling to doubt him!Because every time the assassin comes, he is not there... I am not heartless, but he refuses to give up again and again, don't blame me for being ruthless!

I have a trump card, but I haven't made a move yet!

(End of this chapter)

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