Chapter 342
Chapter 140 Chapter Eight
You are my elf!
Endless darkness...

I dreamed that Feifei was captured and thrown into a dark, smelly and damp cell, and she was chained up... She was not given food or drink... She was cold and hungry, and she had a high fever , gas like gossamer...

"Feifei... Feifei..." I hissed loudly, but she couldn't hear it!

In the middle of nowhere, she was dragged out again, tied to a pillar, and the cold body covered her body. I saw her shivering from the cold, and I was also shivering from being pulled. I also saw a whip on her. Her body was whipped, and someone pinched her fingers with a stick...


She yelled out in pain, vomited a mouthful of blood and passed out, but I woke up suddenly from the pain... "Feifei... Feifei...", I woke up from the bed and sat up in pain, my eyes closed In the vastness, I can only see the moment before Feifei passed out...

"My lord, are you awake?"

Some people exclaimed in the ear, calling for joy.I don't care about anything, I got off the bed and ran to Feifei's room, but where is her shadow? "Your Majesty... Your Majesty..." Someone behind me exclaimed, but reminded me, I turned around and grabbed his collar, "Where's Feifei? Where's Feifei?" I yelled out of my wits.

Badly said from the side, "She...she is in the prison..."

"Ah!" I'm crazy!I'm so scared!I've never been so scared at this moment!The dream just now... Could it be real?Is it my soul that has been guarding her side all the time, so I actually witnessed all her experiences with my own eyes?

No!don't want--!I wouldn't be so afraid when I killed her with my own hands, but at this moment, I really feel that she will leave me... never come back!Don't... Feifei, wait for me, I will come...

With bandages wrapped around my body, barefoot, I ran like crazy to the prison, followed by a group of lunatics, desperately trying to stop me!

I drew a sword in my hand, "I will kill anyone who dares to come over!" I believe at that moment, I am a devil!From the shock on their faces, it can be seen how terrifying I was at that time!
After losing the sword, I rushed to the prison with the speed of my life...

The lunatics behind me continued to follow up without fear of death. I have no intention of... "Feifei... Feifei..." I shouted heartbreakingly, if you hear my call, you must persist, persist until my arrival...

In the vast night sky, I stumbled and ran barefoot in the dark...

The wound on his body has already been stretched open, and the blood is flowing with life, splashing bright red all the way!It's like Feifei's life is disappearing bit by bit... Don't!I speed up again...

Without her, I will destroy the world!I swear!
(End of this chapter)

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