Chapter 343
Chapter 140 Chapter Eight
You are my elf!

When that moment was imprinted in my field of vision, I didn't know what it meant to be alive!She was tied to a pillar, her whole body was stiff, blood was overflowing from her mouth, and a palm was pressed against her heart!
My first reaction was that the man killed Feifei with one palm!
"Come on! Pull him out of the hurdle, no! Divide him into pieces!" I was so angry that my world collapsed again... "Feifei..." I pushed him away, but as soon as his palm left Feifei, she Immediately softened, like a body without a soul, without its pillars...

"What exactly is going on?"

No!I suddenly saw the silver needle sticking out of Feifei's head! "Seven acupuncture points?" I staggered a few steps, how could they... How could they use such torture on Feifei?How could this be…

God, kill me!I am willing to bear it for Feifei...
Seven-needle acupuncture... so cruel, so inhuman, such a heinous torture, how could they do it to Feifei, such a weak, young life, such a fragile person...

"Give her the needle right away, or I will kill your nine clans!"

The man relieved her according to his words... Feifei immediately collapsed in my arms, without any sign of life, like a feather, so light... I also want to die with her immediately!But, I can't!It's the queen, everything is done by the queen!I know it very well, more clearly than ever!
The queen mother is also there!it makes me sad...

I didn't hear anything they said!All I know is that I want to kill the queen!I was in a trance and almost fainted uncontrollably!Just because of a mouthful of anger, I support myself strongly!I restrained my mother, and demoted the queen to Concubine Yan... This is only temporary, just wait...

It's ridiculous that the queen mother came to plead for mercy, I don't bother to explain...

Of course that person is going to die!I'm going to tear him apart!Feifei... Feifei... I hugged her, and bright red flowers bloomed all the way... I don't know if it's her blood, my blood, or our mixed blood...

The flower of life blooms so gorgeously that even the dark sky is rendered brightly!
My elf, are you gone?Waiting for me, after destroying the world, to destroy it with my own hands, we each other... I will freeze you in my bedroom, from now on it will only be the world of the two of us...

When the world is destroyed, I will accompany you...

(End of this chapter)

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