Chapter 344
Chapter 140 Chapter Eight
You are my elf!
Darkness comes again...

I don't know if it was God's favor or God's special torture, but I woke up again.The moment I opened my eyes, I saw the elf lying next to me... Her face was so white and peaceful, those big eyes full of aura were closed gently, and I even naughtily blew Tone, trying to wake her up...

However, she fell asleep...

Maybe never wake up again!The imperial doctor told me that she still had a little breath, and they would try their best to save her life... I was so moved that I cried...

Yes, I cried again...

I am like a child, begging the imperial physicians to do their best to save her!The imperial physicians immediately knelt down in fright, I didn't think about anything, but I also knelt down like them, without the ability to think, I just begged to save her...

The imperial doctors were frightened into a daze!

Time passed slowly, and I watched her complexion gradually improve, and I also slowly returned to normal!What I have to do every day is to bathe her in person, change her clothes in person, and comb her hair in person...

The imperial physicians almost live in my bedroom!
Xiziyu wrote a letter, saying that Yunyi's injury is basically healed, and there is no problem anymore. He will return on another day and arrive before the Queen Mother's birthday.Yeah?I looked at it indifferently, and the letter... threw it aside.

Pick up the comb and continue combing her hair... I have already learned several kinds of hair buns, Feifei's favorite orchid bun, which is petite and playful, and Feiyun bun, spirit snake bun, plum blossom bun... I changed the pattern, for her take care of...

Watered by the heart lake hot spring, my elves finally opened their eyes...

I was drawing her four great inventions that day, and she woke up just like that!I almost, can't believe it.However, she lost her memory...suddenly she had a memory again...and then no memory again...

After so many repetitions, I once again place my hope on the imperial doctor!

"Such a disease needs a person with pure inner strength to open up all the meridians in her body, or... it can still be cured. But... that person must be a virgin, and... and must perform the sex act It took 3 weeks for her to do it with pure yang qi. Afterwards, half of that person’s gong power would pass to her body, so fortunately, he could be cured. But even after healed, he would forget what happened after the acupuncture. You'll be clean and you won't know anything."

After listening to the imperial physician's words, I waved them away!
Boyhood?Haha...haha...a virgin body?Feifei, the heavens really want to torture me severely, even to save you, they won't let me help!Even if I want my life, I will give it to you without hesitation, but I won't let me save you...

I don't care if you are dead or not, what I care about is that I am not the one who saved you...

(End of this chapter)

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