Chapter 35 Hundred Flowers Fighting for Beauty and More Thrills 3
Chapter 31 A hundred flowers contending for beauty is more thrilling


The sedan chair swayed on the ground with a "crack", and I fell left and right a few times, and finally stabilized my figure on the sedan chair.

There was a commotion outside, first two servant girls asked in surprise, "Second Miss, how are you doing?" Then the guards got off their horses and drew their knives, and the father and the eldest lady in front were also anxious like something, One by one, they ran towards my sedan chair with their buttocks pouted, and the lady was even more exaggerated, she actually raised her voice and yelled, "Oh, my Piao Piao, how are you? Who is so bold that he wants to kill you?" Ah? My good daughter, you must be fine..."

"Huh!" I snorted coldly, screaming loudly, and I didn't see anyone lift the curtain and get into the sedan chair to have a look.

I climbed up from the sedan chair, and the sedan chair trembled for a while, and the voice of the eldest lady sounded again from outside, "Piao Piao, it's still mother, how are you?" I said very angrily, "I can't die..." Uh, after thinking about it, I'm fluttering now, so I squeezed my throat and whispered softly: "Mother, I'm fine, don't worry!"

The eldest lady wiped away her tears, and only after hearing my words in the sedan chair did she turn from worry to joy, "Piao Piao, don't worry, mother is by your side, everything is fine!" Then she immediately changed her face, Swinging the silk, she said to the crowd watching: "We Piao Piao are used to being envied by others, this time Bai Huayan is aiming to win the first prize, and wants to threaten us with an arrow to retire Piao Piao? That's impossible, just wait." Let's win the championship and return!"

The surrounding crowd dispersed in a hurry, and another discussion was inevitable.What makes me more puzzled is that there are assassins who want to kill me, but they are not afraid. Instead, they gather together as if they are watching a show. Damn, I am a sofa!Why is the cultural atmosphere here like this?Anyway, scream a few times?

The eldest lady also told the two servant girls and several guards to "protect" Piao Piao in the sedan chair.Piao Piao was already attracting enough attention, but after this incident, it became even more popular, thanks to Da Furen's publicity!

The sedan chair swayed again, but I didn't dare to sit upright anymore. At this moment, my life was still at stake.

Baihuayan was held in a royal theater in the capital.Because the queen mother loves tranquility, a Tingxiang garden was specially built outside the palace.The design of the garden has the style of Suzhou gardens, with pavilions, waterside pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, red flowers and green trees, and the splendor of spring.The sedan chair didn't stop until it reached the garden, and before it got off the sedan chair, a plain hand stretched in and handed over a piece of silk.I rolled my eyes and took it and put it on my face.

When I got off the sedan chair, I had You He and Zi Lian to guide me, and there was an endless stream of people in the garden, all the princes and daughters who came to participate in this Bai Hua Yan.But all of them were covered with snow-white translucent silk gauze like me, and were led forward by the personal servant girl.There are also some romantic and handsome young men, all of whom are well-dressed, with brocade robes, noble crowns on their heads, and folding fans in their hands.

I looked back and saw that the sedan chair of the Ye family had already retreated, and the eldest lady and Prime Minister Ye Chen had long since disappeared.I thought it was probably to prepare to bring in the real fluttering.After walking a few steps, I grabbed You He and asked, "Why does everyone wear a veil?"

(End of this chapter)

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