Chapter 36 Hundred Flowers Fighting for Beauty and More Thrills 4
Chapter 31 A hundred flowers contending for beauty is more thrilling


You He said softly: "Second Miss, because Bai Huayan is the king's choice of concubine, so before being selected, she must wear a veil. At that time, the king or the queen mother will take it off in person to show that she is selected."

"Oh? Then how can you know a person's appearance with a veil?" Could it be that the king has clairvoyant eyes?What kind of clothes does the concubine wear, all are shown... Hehe, I really admire that I am still thinking about it at the moment, but I heard You He reply: "Every contestant has a portrait that will be submitted to the Queen Mother for approval. "

Oh, so it is!

Then what else to choose? Wouldn't it be over if the queen mother decides directly?There is no place to toss such a big circle, so I have to risk my life to replace it.Look around, the environment is not bad, I don't know how they got Piao Piao in, the lady has told me N times, just hang around in the garden, don't really need to go to the main pavilion, otherwise it will be a mess.Seeing that all those ladies are going forward, I don't need to go.

Rolling her eyes, she pulled the two servant girls over and whispered: "I just dropped an earring, which is the lady's favorite, and it was brought to my luck. Please help me find it, it must be from the sedan chair just now. It's time to drop..."

When the two girls heard this, they quickly bent down and searched all the way back.I "giggle" coquettishly, humming a song and wandering to the side.Since someone is going to kill me, it's useless for me to hide anywhere, so why pay for the lives of the two girls?In essence, I am very kind!

Feifei Xiaoyu: Go your own way, let them find earrings!

I looked left and right all the way to enjoy the scenery, but I didn't meet anyone.I just feel that as I go deeper and deeper, I seem to have stepped into a garden-style mini house, with twists and turns everywhere, and the pavilions are all designed in exactly the same way, surrounded by four seasons and flowers of various colors, and the four seasons are just like me. A little higher, if I hide in Sijiqing, no one will be able to find me.Ouch, there is another pavilion like this in front, when can I go out?Well, he turned around and broke off a branch of Sijiqing beside him, and deliberately threw it on the ground.This will be the case at every turn in the future.

If it's really a miniature house, I don't believe that my nimble brain can't beat this deadly formation!
The shoes are a bit high, so I just acted like I was walking on stilts. The scenery is very quiet, and I thought it was a free tour.

Ouch, murderous?
A piercing breath came from behind quickly, I didn't have time to look back, and went straight into Sijiqingli, with a "boom", a sharp sword stabbed fiercely on the ground, and the tip of the sword bounced back after touching the ground, In a hurry, I cast a glance, the man was completely covered, wearing a black bamboo hat, seeing me running towards Sijiqing, he flew over quickly with a little kung fu.

Damn, like a black bat, but shouldn't bats only appear at night?
Next episode preview:

Chapter 32 Wisdom Fighting the Black Bat

(End of this chapter)

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