The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 351 Roasted Sweet Potatoes Almost Burned the Temple 1

Chapter 351 Roasted Sweet Potatoes Almost Burned the Temple 1
Chapter 150 Roasted Sweet Potatoes Almost Burned Their Temple

"Two benefactors, this is the firewood room of the temple. You can rest here for a while. If pursuers arrive, you can hide for a while. I hope you will be fine! The little monk will help you prepare first. Go for the fasting meal!"

Xiaobaihuai and I thanked the monk and went into the house to look around.

Although it is a firewood house, it is clean and the room is quite big. There is a pile of firewood on one side and a bed on the other. Although it is simple, it can shelter from the wind and rain, which is better than sleeping outside.

I thought to myself that this temple is too strange to put a bed in the firewood room. Is it still afraid that people will steal the firewood?

Just after turning around a few times, the monk had already arrived with the food.Although it is vegetarian, it is a bit lighter, but the taste is not bad, and it can still be eaten.Little bad is bad but he is used to delicacies from mountains and seas, and it is difficult to swallow for a while.

The monk thought she was worried about chasing soldiers and didn't know how to eat, so he comforted her with words. I was very happy in my heart. This monk talked and coaxed her well.

With food in his mouth, he said in a rough voice: "Master, isn't this the firewood room? Why is there still a bed? Is it so difficult to send someone to watch over the firewood? Is there someone stealing firewood here?"

The monk smiled slightly and explained: "There is a mountain behind the monastery. There are many people on the mountain and down the mountain. Usually they cut firewood and sell it to the monastery. But because the mountain road is far away, it is inconvenient for them to go back and forth. , so Bisi set up a bed here for those who brought the firewood to rest for a night before going back."

"Oh, so that's the case! Hehe, thank you master!"

Wiping his mouth, the monk cleaned up the dishes and went.Xiao Huaihua looked left and right with her head held high, and I pulled her up, "Go, go to the back mountain to have a look. Didn't the monk say that there is a mountain behind? Maybe we can go directly through the back door!"

Unexpectedly, there is a small room behind the firewood house, which seems to be covered with thatch. It has a stove, but there is no oil and salt, and there is a big post.

The two of us were curious, so we went over to have a look, wow!Full of sweet potatoes!I was so happy that I jumped up, hugged Xiaobaixi and said happily: "Didn't you not eat? You are lucky today, let you taste my specialties!"

The little villain said stupidly: "Can this be eaten?"

(End of this chapter)

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