The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 352 Roasted Sweet Potatoes Almost Burned the Temple 2

Chapter 352 Roasted Sweet Potatoes Almost Burned the Temple 2
Chapter 150 Roasted Sweet Potatoes Almost Burned Their Temple

I knocked on her, took a few big sweet potatoes and stuffed them into her arms, "What do you mean this can be eaten? God, my princess doll, I will let you know that this is not only edible, but also Very tasty!"

Xiaobaibai was dubious, so I knocked her again, "Hey, boy, put away your suspicious eyes, or I won't bake it for you, and I will make you go hungry! Humph!"

The little villain rubbed his head and stared at me, "Feifei, if you hit me again, this princess will want you to look good! Hurry up and bake——"

Damn, does the Buddhist lion roar?Scary!Why are you so loud, just bake it!We found an open space behind the house at the back, and piled up a bunch of firewood, stacking them up in piles, but they couldn't burn for a long time.

Depressed, the firewood is too thick to light!
Looking around, suddenly looking at the thatch on the top of the small house, the eyes are shining!Hey, I just need a handful, really only a handful!I went into the house and found a stool, and I only pulled it a little bit by propping up my toes, but I didn't have enough strength, and I was discouraged after pulling it a little bit, I couldn't die of exhaustion!

The little villain laughed loudly behind him, leaning forward and backward, laughing so hard that I was furious, stood on the stool, pinched my waist and yelled, "Hey, you brat, I'm so tired, if you don't help me Are you kidding?"

Xiao Huai bad managed to stop laughing, "Why didn't you tell me earlier if you want my help? How did I know what you were going to do?"

After speaking, he jumped up lightly, and landed on the thatched roof, and raised his eyebrows at me proudly.That's right, I'm so stupid, how could I forget that she knows a little martial arts?Then point her out, just pull a handful of thatch down.

Who knew that guy was greedy, so he pulled a lot, and even dragged it to the ground.

Forget it, let her take it back when she is full.Wrap the thatch into a small target and put it under the firewood. This time it will burn at one o'clock, but the thatch is burnt out, and the firewood has not yet ignited.

Damn, I went to pull thatch again, it seems that Xiao Huai has a bit of foresight, and actually knows to make more.

In the end, it was still difficult to burn, and I was so anxious that I was sweating, and the little villain sneered at the side again, saying that the deliciousness was gone, and the nose was so gray that it was true.No, the two of us looked at each other, we both had big dark painted faces and laughed at each other.

(End of this chapter)

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