Chapter 359 Oh my god, what twins! 1
Chapter 150 Oh my god, what twins!


"Then...then who are you?" I also asked a stupid question, but no one laughed...

Chu Xuan frowned, "I said that my name is Nalan Chuxuan! Didn't the girl hear clearly? Or, do you want me to write it down? Is this name very strange? It made the two girls repeat it again and again. question?"

I rubbed my head and frowned like him, "Yeah, this name is really strange!"

Then no matter what his expression was, he walked around him in circles, muttering to himself as he walked, "It's so strange, it's so strange, it's exactly the same! Whether it's height, body shape, or even appearance. It was carved out of the same mold, could it be twins?"

Chu Xuan's body trembled, "Have you...have you ever seen someone exactly like me? Where is he now? I came out this time to find him! If you know, girl, please tell me..."

But I burst into tears, and two lines were drawn on my darkened face. "So he's really dead?"

"No... Yun won't die..." Chu Xuan was stunned when he saw my sincere expression!The folding fan was tightly packed in his hand and held.Then turned around gently, with his back to me, "Girl, did he die?"

he called me girl...

I have an urge to jump over and call him big brother!But I held back, I still can't be too sure, decided to see the situation first.Judging from his tone just now, could it be that "Chu Xuan" in the palace is actually called Chu Yun?

I choked up, "He is already dead, in order to assassinate the emperor, he died together..."

The little bad boy was already crying, I turned around and hugged her.Chu Xuan's back trembled, and gradually straightened up, even a little stiff, and the folding fan in his hand creaked.From my point of view, his back suddenly became much more bleak...

We stopped talking, it was night, Chu Xuan lit a bonfire, and we sat around together.He came back after hunting some wild game, and Xiao Huaihua and I also tidied ourselves up, showed our true colors, and met him.

(End of this chapter)

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