Chapter 360 Oh my god, what twins! 2
Chapter 150 Oh my god, what twins!


We stopped talking, it was night, Chu Xuan lit a bonfire, and we sat around together.He came back after hunting some wild game, and Xiao Huaihua and I also tidied ourselves up, showed our true colors, and met him.

Everyone seemed to feel that the atmosphere was a bit heavy, and they stopped talking and joking casually. Chu Xuan just asked him, and the two of us didn’t say a word. He is so understanding!

Not only because he is my elder brother, but also because he is my beloved!
Because of this, Chu Xuan knew that we were all people who sneaked out of the palace, but he just thought that we were both palace maids. I didn't tell him that I was his sister, nor did I say that I was a princess.

Amidst the crackling of the bonfire, Xiaobaibai and I hugged each other and fell asleep.

Nightmare plagued him all night, and he kept dreaming of the moment when Chu Xuan assassinated the king of stinky farts. Even every movement seemed to be slowed down, playing back in the dream bit by bit, without missing a single bit.

Over and over again, it made me really miserable!

Later, Ziyu told me all the truth, everything about Yelan, I seemed to have really returned to the battlefield, and saw that Yelan Kingdom was conquered and destroyed by the father of the stinky fart king in a dream... and I have never met mother...

Mother... mother... I yelled over and over again, hoarse...

"Feifei... Feifei..." A strong push came, I trembled and woke up.Seeing Chu Xuan and Xiao Huai bad staring at me with four eyes, in a daze, I rubbed my sleepy eyes, but there were tears in my hand, and said in amazement: "What's the matter?"

Chu Xuan's expression was extremely complicated, but he finally said calmly: "It's okay, you're having a nightmare. She pressed your chest while sleeping, so it's easy to have a nightmare."

The little villain blushed, and argued: "How can you blame me, I have never slept in such a place before!"

As soon as I pushed her, I yelled strangely: "Bad boy, I will be bullied by you when I am with you! Even sleeping and dreaming will be affected by you! Hehe, okay, okay, I don't blame you! I wronged you, wait After this period of time, we will go to the inn, and we will be wronged for a few days first!"

Xiaobaiba nodded helplessly.

I forgot the entanglement in the dream, yawned, and continued to sleep.There is no sky bigger than hands, no road longer than feet, no mountains higher than people, no sea wider than hearts, no abyss deeper than dreams...

(End of this chapter)

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