Chapter 361 Seeing Little Angel Again 1
Chapter 150 Three Sees the Little Angel Again


When he woke up the next day, Xiao Huai had some signs of a cold. Although it was a summer night, he slept in the open air for a night, after all, he couldn't bear it.

What's more, Xiao Huai Hua used to be a pampered princess, unlike my body, who was abused when I was in Ye Mansion. My body is in good shape, and I can't easily get cold.

Hey, I'm very glad to have such a good body!
There is still a long way to go down the mountain, and I am worried about letting Chu Xuan go back to the city alone to buy medicine. Hey, what if he leaves us?We are two weak girls, only one who has a bit of three-legged cat kung fu is sick again, and I am the only one who is not working well, anyway, he is not allowed to go alone.

Chu Xuan had no choice but was not angry at all. He just carried the little boy on his back helplessly, and the group walked slowly down the mountain.Going back to the city is more dangerous, we are still wanted criminals now!

It’s just that the mountain where we are now is not in front of the village or in the back of the store. I don’t know how far it is...

"Chu Xuan, are you familiar with this place? Why do I feel that there are forests in the front, back, left, and right? It feels a bit eerie!" I looked up and looked around, and there were really trees.The more it felt, the more terrifying it became, and the hairs stood on end.

"Don't be afraid, it's my first time here too, but it's broad daylight now, no one will rob you!"

I smiled "hehe", "That's right. I have no money and no sex. If I want to rob, I should rob you! By the way, why did you come here all of a sudden? Isn't it the first time you go out?"

Chu Xuan easily walked by my side with Xiao Huai on his back, sometimes even giving me a hand by the way. "I received the news that my junior sister was getting married, so I dared to come to celebrate. But because I lived in the mountains since I was a child, I got used to it, so I came here for a casual stroll. I didn't know I met you!"

I was stunned, "Junior sister married? What's your junior sister's name?"

Chu Xuan didn't notice any difference in my expression, so he replied casually: "Her name is Yueyueer, just like you, she is a quirky little girl! Hehe, I didn't expect to get married soon, I received her flying pigeon Chuanshu came out of the mountain, just this day, they will go back to Xizi Kingdom, I asked me to come here and wait for them."

(End of this chapter)

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