Chapter 362 Seeing Little Angel Again 2
Chapter 150 Three Sees the Little Angel Again


Chu Xuan didn't notice any difference in my expression, so he replied casually: "Her name is Yueyueer, just like you, she is a quirky little girl! Hehe, I didn't expect to get married soon, I received her flying pigeon Chuanshu came out of the mountain, just this day, they will go back to Xizi Kingdom, I asked me to come here and wait for them."

"Then do you know when she will get married?"

My heart sank, pervert, you promised me, are you going to miss the appointment again?Are you unwilling to wait for just one year?You have disappointed me so much, once...and again...

"I heard that the marriage was just granted, we want to go back to Xizi Kingdom together, and see what the king of Xizi Kingdom says? I guess we have to pick a date to decide!" Chu Xuan suddenly looked at me, "How come you don't know? Are you not in the palace?"

I sighed faintly, "I know, I don't know, so what..."

Chu Xuan frowned, "Girl, tell me, what's the matter? If I can do it, I will try my best to do it for you! Believe me?" I turned my head to meet his extremely serious expression, and suddenly He laughed, "Why? We are not relatives, why do you want to help me like this? I don't want it anymore, if it gets involved, I won't be able to get out..."

Chu Xuan looked at me meaningfully, as if regretting, but also as if probing, "If only I had a younger sister like you..."

I was taken aback, slightly haired.What does he mean by that?It doesn't seem like it came out of nowhere. Could it be a hint?I tilted my head and recalled what I had said in the past two days, and I didn't say anything... Ouch, maybe I said something in my sleep that night?

Just as I was about to tell him the truth, I saw Chu Xuan's face suddenly changed, and he put the bad guy down, and pushed him to my side to help him up.

As soon as we stood still, we heard "嗖嗖嗖" like falling bats around us, several big black bats flew down in an instant, and surrounded us together.This is the first time Xiaobaibai has seen such a weird costume, and he was so frightened that he was sick!
Chu Xuan explained in a low voice, "Bad bad, you take Feifei and leave quickly, I will block them!"

Bad, but he refused, "Don't! We're leaving, what about you? Do you want me to leave you again? Never!" Xiao Huai's face was determined, she already regarded this Chu Xuan as the former Chu Xuan La!

(End of this chapter)

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