Chapter 363 Seeing Little Angel Again 3
Chapter 150 Three Sees the Little Angel Again


Bad, but he refused, "Don't! We're leaving, what about you? Do you want me to leave you again? Never!" Xiao Huai's face was determined, she already regarded this Chu Xuan as the former Chu Xuan La!

Chu Xuan's face sank, and he said in a low voice: "Be obedient! Feifei doesn't know martial arts, and you only have that little kung fu. Staying here will only burden me! Do you understand?"

I knew what Chu Xuan was telling the truth, and I said to Xiao Huai, "You're right, you're right!" Xiao Huai was worried, entangled in pain, his eyes were red, but he finally nodded.

The black bats didn't talk, they just surrounded us, let us arrange it, and didn't bother them, as if they were determined to eat us.

Suddenly, there was a "咻" not far away, like fireworks rising into the sky, but there was no explosion sound, and those black bats were taken aback.Chu Xuan took the opportunity to attack, and the folding fan in his hand suddenly turned into a magic weapon, "swish, swish, swish" and pointed towards them.

I pulled the little villain and took the opportunity to sneak away.

Having seen the kung fu of "Chu Xuan" before, I have no reason to believe in the current Chu Xuan.Sure enough, he lived up to the expectations, his kung fu is extremely high, the folding fan can be turned into any weapon in his hands, he can pierce and slash the belt, his skill is so beautiful!

The black bats who wanted to take the time to chase us were all forced back by Chu Xuan. The little villain had a cold and was weak, but at this moment her life was at stake, so she also mobilized her strength, and instead took me and ran fast.

"Whoosh", someone was chasing us in front of us, we both yelled "Ah" when we looked around, turned around and ran back.

Because there was also a black bat coming in front, rushing over like flying.When Chu Xuan heard our call, he came in without knowing it, and said loudly and anxiously: "Feifei, how are you doing?"

I was dragged by Xiaobaiba, turned around while running, "Huh? The black bat is gone?"

"Run, don't look blindly!" Xiao Huaibai roared, but also turned to look, and sure enough, there was nothing behind us. We were wondering ourselves, and we were about to turn around to answer Chu Xuan's words, but there was a "bang" together, On a wall!

"Oh, it hurts me to death! Little villain, how did you lead the way? You won't hit me against a rock, will you?"

I closed my eyes and rubbed my nose, and the little villain was just like me. When I finally opened my eyes, I screamed "Ah!"Because, in front of us, there is a god-like black bat standing!

I was about to raise my voice to call Chu Xuan, but he had already spoken first, "Don't call, come with me..." I was taken aback, and tremblingly said: "Little angel, is that you?"

(End of this chapter)

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