Chapter 364 Suddenly, Everyone Arrives! 1
Chapter 150 Four Suddenly, Everyone Arrives!


"Oh, it hurts me to death! Little villain, how did you lead the way? You won't hit me against a rock, will you?"

I closed my eyes and rubbed my nose, and the little villain was just like me. When I finally opened my eyes, I screamed "Ah!"Because, in front of us, there is a god-like black bat standing!

I was about to raise my voice to call Chu Xuan, but he had already spoken first, "Don't call, come with me..."

I was taken aback, and tremblingly said: "Little angel, is that you?" The black bat paused slightly, and took off the black hat on his head with his backhand, revealing his innocent and sweet smile!

I was overjoyed and threw myself into his arms.

"Little angel, it's really you! That's great, I thought I'd never see you again! Last time you hurt yourself so badly to save us, I don't know how worried I am! Seeing that you are doing well now Yes, I'm really happy!"

Murong Xuanze smiled a little blushing, and gently pulled me away from his arms.

I raised my head, looked at him badly, and then at me, his face turned red again.I laughed, I laughed, and beat his chest with one hand, "Little angel, you are not shy, are you? God! Have you made a mistake, you are the young master of the night palace, how can you be shy?"

Xiaobaibai also pursed his lips and smiled.

Murong Xuanze was even more at a loss, he coughed lightly, but he took the initiative to pull me up, greeted Xiaobaia, and walked to the side of the forest. "It's not safe here, you have to leave quickly, otherwise the palace lord will come later, and even I won't be able to protect you!"

We walked and talked, "Master?" I was surprised, remembering that night when I was about to elope with the big pervert, I overheard the conversation of the palace lord.I couldn't help but shudder, that palace lord is the one who wants to kill me!
When it comes to business, Murong Xuanze seems to be a different person, he has matured a lot all of a sudden, which makes me feel like he suddenly changed his whole body and temperament, and became another person. "Yes, if she comes, I can't save you even if I try..."

As he said that, he strengthened his hand, and picked up Xiaobaibai with the other hand, and suddenly seemed to fly, and quickly shuttled through the forest.

(End of this chapter)

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