Chapter 365 Suddenly, Everyone Arrives! 2
Chapter 150 Four Suddenly, Everyone Arrives!


When it comes to business, Murong Xuanze seems to be a different person, he has matured a lot all of a sudden, which makes me feel like he suddenly changed his whole body and temperament, and became another person. "Yes, if she comes, I can't save you even if I try..."

As he said that, he strengthened his hand, and picked up Xiaobaibai with the other hand, and suddenly seemed to fly, and quickly shuttled through the forest.

But Xiaobaibai was thinking about Chu Xuan, "We're leaving, what about Chu Xuan? He was besieged alone! No, I want to go back and find him, let me go!" Find Chu Xuan.

Murong Xuanze was taken aback, and stopped, "Chu Xuan? Hasn't he already been quartered by five horses?"

I trembled, and said in disbelief: "What? He was divided into pieces by five horses?" I turned my head to look at Xiao Huai, but she just shed tears and stopped talking.I sat down on the ground, I only said, I only said that the queen mother ordered him to be killed, but I didn't know that he died so badly!

Old hag, just wait!I'll let you taste it with blood!

There was another sound of "咻", at the place where we were besieged just now, Murong Xuanze's face changed drastically, and he put on the black hat again, pulled us away without saying a word, and ran very fast.

My heart trembled, and I asked, "Is this the message firework from your Night Palace? Has your Palace Master come?"

Murong Xuanze hadn't answered yet, Xiao Huaihua was already rushing to say: "Ah, then Chu Xuan can't handle it alone, I'm going to help him, let go, I'm going to help him!"

I am also very awe-inspiring, I have lost one brother, and I can't lose another one!
"Little angel, I want to go back too! What you want to arrest is me, it has nothing to do with others, let me go back quickly, I can't leave him, or I will regret it for the rest of my life!" I said very firmly, Murong Xuanze sighed , quite helplessly turned around.

Just as we were about to take the two of us back, we saw a figure rushing over like flying, and shouted, "Put them down!"

The little bad boy was overjoyed, and said in a voiceless voice: "Chu Xuan!" Breaking free from the little angel's hand, he rushed up to meet him.I saw Chu Xuan rushing towards the little angel, and knew that he must have misunderstood, so I hurriedly said, "Chu Xuan, he is not an enemy!"

"Really? My young master?"

(End of this chapter)

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