Chapter 366 Suddenly, Everyone Arrives! 3
Chapter 150 Four Suddenly, Everyone Arrives!


The little bad boy was overjoyed, and said in a voiceless voice: "Chu Xuan!" Breaking free from the little angel's hand, he rushed up to meet him.I saw Chu Xuan rushing towards the little angel, and knew that he must have misunderstood, so I hurriedly said, "Chu Xuan, he is not an enemy!"

"Really? My young master?"

A thin voice approached in an instant, obviously still far away, as if speaking in your ear.And it didn't sound fast or slow, as if the man spoke effortlessly.

My heart trembled, knowing that some kind of palace lord had come.

I was afraid of him from the bottom of my heart, so I moved behind the little angel involuntarily.Chu Xuan quickly retreated to the other side of me with Xiao Huai, only to see a figure with a very graceful figure flying over like a fairy, it turned out to be a woman, but she was only covered with a black veil.She was followed by a dozen black bats, confronting us.

The pair of exposed eyes of the palace lord were very beautiful, and looked very gentle, without any sinister feeling.

Chu Xuan took a step forward, stepped in front of us, opened the folding fan in his hand with a "shua", and fanned it gracefully.He even laughed teasingly, "Well, finally here is someone who looks like a human being, otherwise it would be so boring to always fight with bat-like beasts!"

Xiaobaibai and I had a lot of fun, this Chu Xuan is really fun, he has a personality very similar to that of a pervert!It's a bit like talking and joking, and it seems to irritate them. In short, it's humorous and bold, and it's very fun!He called these bats animals as soon as he said it, and the little angel didn't fight him, so it doesn't count!hey-hey!
I appreciated him even more and grabbed him from behind!
The palace lord was not angry at all, as if she took a step, but gave people a mysterious feeling that she didn't move at all, which clearly showed how brilliant her kung fu was.The shrill but extremely high-frequency voice sounded, "So you are Chu Xuan, who is the one who died?"

Chu Xuan was refuted by her words, his original leisurely manner could no longer be maintained, his face changed slightly, and he said in a deep voice: "No matter who it is, I will seek justice for him!" Bring back the momentum.

Murong Xuanze trembled slightly, bowed to salute and said: "Palace Master." The Palace Master glanced at him lightly, then said in a high-pitched and thin voice, "Do you still know how to call me Palace Master?"

"I don't call you the palace master, do I call you the queen?"

(End of this chapter)

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