Chapter 370 Suddenly, Everyone Arrives! 7
Chapter 150 Four Suddenly, Everyone Arrives!


The queen did not change color at all, she still smiled calmly and said: "Someone is here again, it's so lively, they all gathered together, and it saved me a lot of time!"

As soon as the words fell, I heard a delicate shout from not far away, "Senior brother...Senior brother..."

Ah, it's Yueyueer!I was excited, so the pervert should be with her, right?I looked over with my head open, and sure enough I saw a pervert in a white shirt and Yue Yue'er in a red dress galloping side by side, the two seem to be holding hands...


Xiaobaiba obviously saw it too, and snorted out very dissatisfied!Chu Xuan's face was beaming with joy, but he didn't raise his voice, but the voice was heard far away, so far away that he could hear it, "Yueyue'er, I'm here."

I pouted, my face full of displeasure.

The Fart King looked at me, and took my expression into his eyes.Suddenly he stepped forward and grabbed my hand.Very warm, but also with anger, jealousy, and unknown feelings.

Chu Xuan was distracted by Yue Yue'er, and when he found out, it was too late to stop him, so he said in a deep voice, "Let go of her, she is my sister!"

"Ah..." Xiaobaibai and I exclaimed together, but I widened my eyes and said in surprise: "So... so you know everything! How did you know it? I didn't tell you..."

"Fool! There's nothing to hide!"

As he said that, he looked at the Fart King and signaled him with his eyes, why didn't he let go?The Fart King had a cold face, but it suddenly softened, and he slowly cracked a smile, and said with a smile on his face: "I'll give you the bad, and you give me the Feifei! It's perfect! Well, Not perfect, there is still a problem to be solved, who is the brother-in-law between us? This is a big problem, we must study it carefully!"

Me and Xiaobaiba went crazy!
She was dizzy with joy, and I was dizzy with anger and laughter. I really didn't expect that this evil fart king, who is as evil as a devil, would actually make such a joke at such a serious moment?It's really laughable!

Chu Xuan was also stunned by him, unable to speak for a while.

(End of this chapter)

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