The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 371 Death for love, return to modern times 1

Chapter 371 Death for love, return to modern times 1
Chapter 150 Five Die for Love, Return to Modern Times


Me and Xiaobaiba went crazy!
She was dizzy with joy, and I was dizzy with anger and laughter. I really didn't expect that this evil fart king, who is as evil as a devil, would actually make such a joke at such a serious moment?It's really laughable!

Chu Xuan was also stunned by him, unable to speak for a while.

"Huh? Why are there so many people?" While speaking, Yueyue'er had already come in front of her, the pervert was accompanying her, and Ziyu followed.The big satyr saw all of us and nodded his head one by one. When he met me, he was slightly startled, and then smiled, greeting like an acquaintance, but not close.

I was secretly disappointed, but I had to put on a wry smile as if nothing had happened.

Yueyue'er and the pervert went to see the Fart King again, and then Yueyue'er pulled Chu Xuan's sleeve and said coquettishly: "Brother, why are you here? Didn't you tell us to wait for us in the city? Me and Brother Yunyi is leaving today, you come with us!"

Before Chu Xuan answered, I had already asked, "Yeah, why did you all come all of a sudden? It's so strange, it seems like we made an appointment beforehand, maybe they thought we were having a meeting!"

The Fart King squinted at me, then looked at the little angel, and said: "I followed them!" He pointed to the little angel Murong Xuanze, "They are well-informed in Yegong Jianghu, and they have been tracking down your whereabouts , so I must be right to follow them, and I found you!"

I nodded, that's why.The people in the Night Palace are going to kill me, I know this.It turned out that the whereabouts of Xiao Huai and I could not hide from the eyes of the people in the night palace after all.The Fart King put down the government and came to me. Naturally, it is most effective to follow them. It is really smart.Since Yueyue'er had made an appointment with Chu Xuan in advance, it was natural and convenient to communicate with the specially made fireworks as a signal.Chu Xuan was with me and Xiao Huai, so Yue Yue'er found it naturally.

Chu Xuan suddenly pulled me over and introduced to Yueyueer: "This is my sister, Nalan Chufei."

Yueyue'er was greatly surprised, she pointed her finger at me and said in disbelief: "She..." But her eyes were on Chu Xuan.Ziyu smiled slightly, stepped forward to talk to Chu Xuan, "Long time no see, how is it?"

After speaking, he smiled at me again.

Chu Xuan shrugged handsomely, "It's nothing. If Yueyue'er Feige hadn't told me that I was going to get married, I might not be willing to come out! This world is too noisy and not suitable for me!"

Ziyu nodded, and was about to say something, but suddenly heard a shrill "hahaha" laugh, it was the queen, and she changed back to her false voice, "Everyone is so good, why don't we go to the underworld together Go and catch up on the old days!"

After she finished speaking, she waved her hand, and the dozen or so people she was leading rushed over without saying a word.
The plainclothes guards brought by the Fart King had been watching them, and when they saw them move, they immediately shot arrows.Only the sound of "Dangdangdang" can be heard continuously, those black bats were carefully selected, and they were so skillful that they missed all the arrows, instead blocked all the arrows, and even counterattacked.

(End of this chapter)

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