The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 373 Death for love, return to modern times 3

Chapter 373 Death for love, return to modern times 3
Chapter 150 Five Die for Love, Return to Modern Times


But the queen was unwilling to fight, and staggered backwards. Seeing that she was about to fall into the hands of the three, the queen called out resentfully, "Xuanze...don't you save my sister...will you watch her die?"

Murong Xuanze's body trembled, and I screamed in my heart, only to hear the Queen's sudden "Ah", she gave a slap from a big pervert, and flew away like a broken thread.

Murong Xuanze couldn't take it anymore, he yelled "Sister", he rushed over like flying, and caught the Queen's body first, the Queen clutched her chest, vomited a mouthful of blood, and said in a trembling voice: " Help my sister restrain them, my sister promises you, if you don't kill them!"

I was so anxious that I blurted out, "Little angels don't want it!"

Murong Xuanze's body moved, but he still supported the queen, and didn't make any moves to the Fart King and the others.The queen said miserable again: "Are you going to watch my sister be killed by them? Don't worry, my sister won't kill them. If my sister promises, is there any time I didn't count?"

Murong Xuanze was finally moved, turned around and rushed towards the Fart King and the others.

I shouted discouragedly: "Little angel, don't..." Murong Xuanze swooped non-stop, as if he was deaf to my words.Ziyu was the first to bear the brunt. He had seen his kung fu in the brothel, so he dared not be careless, and gathered all his strength to meet him.

I seemed to see the scene where Ziyu was lying on the ground, and the King of Farts and the pervert were there to help.

There was only a "bang", Ziyu was not injured at all, but the little angel was hit by the palm force and fell backwards, and fell to the ground with a "thump".Everyone was shocked, but the queen finally got angry, "You... you actually repeated the old trick just to listen to that stinky girl? Would you rather be killed by the enemy than help sister? Okay, sister will kill her first!"

Some images suddenly flashed in the big satyr's mind, as if there had been such a scene before, he crouched down with his head in his arms.

In fact, the queen was not injured, it was all pretending. Under the current rage, she no longer had that elegant temperament, and flew towards me lightly but extremely fast.I yelled in fright, "Ah...the pervert save me..."

It turned out that when I was in a hurry, the first thing I thought of was still the pervert.

Fart King and Ziyu rushed over to save me without even thinking about it, but the queen said she wanted to kill me, but halfway through her movement, she rushed towards Yueyue'er...

(End of this chapter)

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