The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 374 Death for love, return to modern times 5

Chapter 374 Death for love, return to modern times 5
Chapter 150 Five Die for Love, Return to Modern Times


"Bah", a big teardrop fell on my face, vaguely belonged to King Fart, he was so frightened to see the blood flow from my mouth to my neck, and he was at a loss as to where to put it..." Tell me, how can I save can I save you..."

"Fart King, don't be surprised, you still have a lot of concubines..."

He went crazy, bowed his head and roared weakly, "No! I don't want them, I just want you...I just want you...I don't want anything...I don't want anything..." He burst into tears uncontrollably, I was stunned, I had never seen The King of Farts who cried bitterly...

He has always been so domineering and unreasonable, and he is also very fierce to me. He wants to make rules on me, and even ask him for instructions when going out to play.You still have to force me to be your concubine, doing all the things I don't like.

However, he is crying miserably now, as if he has lost the whole world...

I looked at Ziyu and Chu Xuan, and opened my mouth, but only blood gushed out, and I couldn't speak anymore.Yueyue'er suddenly ran over crying, knelt beside me and cried loudly, "Feifei, I'm sorry! It was because I secretly gave brother Yunyi some crazy powder that he became like this, so I forgot Everything you have! I am sorry for you, I broke you up...I only know now that you really love him, I...I am not worthy..."

"Yueyue'er..." The pervert looked at her in disbelief, trembling and unable to speak anymore!Yueyue'er just cried and kept saying "I'm sorry", Ziyu got up and sighed, and that sigh was mixed with too much emotion...

Chu Xuan stretched out his hand, but he didn't dare to touch me, as if I was made of glass and would shatter when touched...

There was light in my eyes, I don't know if it was a smile, tears, or a flash of light, and I said something again, "Thank you...for letting me know the truth...for letting me know...the pervert...he didn't abandon me... In my life... there will be no more regrets..."

A mysterious force pulled me into my body, and I found myself floating in the air, and on the ground, there was another me, smiling, sleeping with my eyes closed...

"Feifei...don't leave me...don't leave me..." King Fart completely lost control, hugged me on the ground, and cried loudly.Suddenly, the neck of the me on the ground lit up, and the blood was sucked in, like a vortex, getting bigger and bigger, so big that I was going to suck in the me floating in the air …

But they on the ground didn't seem to feel it at all, they didn't notice that bright light at all...

Finally, like being sucked into a tornado, I was dragged into the vortex with a whimper, "Ah—" I yelled at the same time, the Fart King also yelled, and suddenly picked me up on the ground, not knowing the direction the gallop...

But I fell into that vortex, like falling straight down from a very high place...
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Chapter 150 The sixth chapter is haunted by nightmares, looking for a way to cross
(End of this chapter)

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