The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 375 Plagued by nightmares, looking for a way to time travel 1

Chapter 375 Plagued by nightmares, looking for a way to time travel 1
Chapter 150 The sixth chapter is haunted by nightmares, looking for a way to cross

Finally, like being sucked into a tornado, I was dragged into the vortex with a whimper, "Ah—" I yelled at the same time, the Fart King also yelled, and suddenly picked me up on the ground, not knowing the direction the gallop...

But I fell into that vortex, like falling straight down from a very high place...

"Ah—" I couldn't help shouting out due to the severe weightlessness.Suddenly, a very painful feeling came through my body. I sat up suddenly and opened my eyes.

An extremely exaggerated voice beside my ear said: "Wow, my God! Feifei, you have woken up. If you don't wake up again, I will ask a mage to do it for you! See if you are suppressed by a demon weapon and lost What about the soul!"

God, it turned out to be my classmate Xiao Min!

I blinked my big eyes frequently and looked at her, "You...are you a human or a ghost? Is this...hell or heaven?" Xiao Min was stunned, and I added, "Could this be the world? The 21st century?"

Xiao Min's hand touched me, and I immediately screamed "Ouch" in pain, "I'm going to die, why don't you poke me with a needle?"

Xiao Min looked relieved, "Great, you still know it hurts! You still know it's a needle! You're going to die. If you want me to go shopping with you, you'll pass out with excitement even if you buy a ring. You fell asleep for 3 hours after falling asleep, and you haven't breathed a bit, I almost suspect that you have lost your soul!"

I really lost my soul, lost to the ancient times 1000 years ago!I squinted my eyes and said in amazement, "Only 3 hours?"

Xiao Min was so angry that he tried to stab me with the needle again, "There are only 3 hours? Do you know that my 3 hours are like years! If you pass out, forget it, and hold the needle tightly in your hand. The ring, why would you refuse to put it away. The boss thought you were stealing it! I explained for a long time, and then called a car to take you back, but I couldn’t detect your breathing, but the strange thing is that the heartbeat is normal, but why? You can’t even wake up, I’m really surprised by you, wouldn’t something take away your soul?”

I was stunned for a few moments, and what was hard in my hand was the ring with a asking price of 1 yuan.

I touched my neck, it was empty there.He picked up the ring and studied it carefully, and it must be the same as the one of the pervert and the fart king!But it's strange, am I dreaming or really time-traveling?

If it was a dream, those scenes were terrifyingly real!If it is time travel, I obviously stayed in ancient times for three months, but I was unconscious for three hours in the 21st reality?The time difference is too big...

(End of this chapter)

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