The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 379 Plagued by nightmares, looking for a way to time travel 5

Chapter 379 Plagued by nightmares, looking for a way to time travel 5
Chapter 150 The sixth chapter is haunted by nightmares, looking for a way to cross

Then the scene didn't change again, I saw him holding the girl all the way back to a gorgeous bedroom, and invited many people to treat the girl!My body, heart, and top of my head all ached!Worrying pain!Then he stayed by her side every step of the way. I also saw that he actually knelt down to those people in order to save the girl...

I cried so sad!

I don't know why, but I just know that he shouldn't kneel down to those!But he knelt down, so I had no reason to cry so sadly!When I had cried enough, I looked up again, and saw him holding the girl's body in a large forest, running forward crazily...

Behind him, there are many bats besieging some people, including many people I just dreamed about...

Two of them rushed out and chased him, but he was holding the girl and ran so fast that the people behind couldn't catch up.Ah——, I exclaimed!There was a cliff in front of him, but he didn't seem to see it, and he still rushed forward with the girl in his arms...

"No, no, the king of stinky farts!"

I yelled, but I saw him suddenly turn around and smile at me in mid-air, then jump up and jump off the cliff with the girl in his arms!From far away, his voice came, "Feifei, you are gone, I don't even have the mood to destroy the world..."

His smile is so lonely, so sad, so desperate, so sad!It's like losing the whole world...

I am in so much pain, my heart hurts, as if blocked by a stone, I can't breathe!With tears in my eyes, I saw a valley with many flowers and butterflies flying all over the sky.In a field of flowers, there is a thatched hut standing alone, and a grave next to the hut. There is a person sitting in front of the grave. I can only see his back. No matter what, I can't turn to him...

I really want to see him, but I don't know why, but he never turns his head, just carries it on his back like that, for a long time, without moving, like a statue without a soul.A butterfly dances alone beside him, so beautiful, so desolate...


"Feifei? Feifei? What's the matter with you?" During the entanglement, my body was pulled back by a force, and I opened my eyes in a daze. It turned out that Xiao Min was pushing my body.I rubbed my eyes, but the water in my hand was salty, it was tears...

(End of this chapter)

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