The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 380 Plagued by nightmares, looking for a way to time travel 6

Chapter 380 Plagued by nightmares, looking for a way to time travel 6
Chapter 150 The sixth chapter is haunted by nightmares, looking for a way to cross

"Feifei? Feifei? What's the matter with you?" During the entanglement, my body was pulled back by a force, and I opened my eyes in a daze. It turned out that Xiao Min was pushing my body.I rubbed my eyes, but the water in my hand was salty, it was tears...

"Feifei, what are you doing? Are you having a nightmare? Crying so loudly scared me to death! I can't wake up no matter how I scream, it's so scary!"

Xiao Min was lying beside my bed with a look of shock on her face.I looked around, and it was our bedroom.She was my only roommate, and the lights were on in the room. I picked up the phone next to my pillow to check the time, and it was around 4 o'clock in the morning.

Everything in the dream was dangling in front of my eyes, my eye sockets became hot again, I pulled her close, and wept in my arms.

Xiao Min was frightened by me, and just kept comforting me.I couldn't sleep anymore, and I didn't dare to sleep again, so I dragged her to my bed, and cried and told her my "time-traveling" story from beginning to end.Believe it or not, I do...

It was almost dawn before I finished telling all the stories.

After hearing this, Xiao Min sighed, pulled me up and down, left, right, left, right, and right several times, touched and squeezed, and finally said with a bluff: "Feifei, I'm sure you are normal and not crazy. And you There are no loopholes in your story, if I don't believe in time travel, I must believe your story!"

I was so angry that she still didn't believe me after talking for a long time.

Forget it if you don’t believe it, I’ll find it myself, but I don’t believe it, since I can travel through the past and back again, I can’t find a way to travel through the past again.The key must be in this ring. I took it off my neck and held it in my hand in thought.

It was already dawn, and I didn't feel sleepy anymore, so I wandered around the campus holding the ring.

By the way, when I came back from time travel, I seemed to bleed a lot, and the ring absorbed all the blood, so it glowed, and then wrapped my soul to help me travel back.I was overjoyed, and couldn't care less, bit my finger and dripped blood on it.

He held his breath, not daring to let out a single breath.

I saw my blood dripping on the ring, and then like a drop of water sliding through the glass, it slid down from both sides of the ring, and then dripped on the ground with a "pop", and a bright red flower bloomed.Depressed, suddenly it doesn't work?

God, how can I go back again?

The summer sun rises very early, I don’t give up, I hold the ring to look at the sun again, no way; put the ring on my hand, and then face the sun, no way; put the ring on my neck, take the blood on my finger, Put it on, it still doesn't work...

It drives me crazy!I tried many methods, but none of them worked.My stomach is croaking with hunger, it is already noon, I have been tossing all morning, and I haven't had breakfast yet.Dejected, he hung the ring back around his neck and walked out of the campus.

There are many snacks opposite the school, you need to cross the road.I walked and thought, recalling the scene at that time, and suddenly there was a shout from behind, "Feifei, be careful..." I responded and looked back, but a sudden force hit me from the side, and then there was the sound of rapid braking!
But my body was already flying up, the blood in my body quickly overflowed from my mouth, and then slid to my neck.A strange thing happened. The ring around my neck absorbed the blood spilling out of my mouth, and it emitted a dazzling light again. It surrounded me in mid-air, wrapped it like a luminous object, and then disappeared under the eyes of everyone...
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Chapter 150 VII Traveling Again, Killing Princess Nanxin
(End of this chapter)

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