The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 381 Traveling again, killing Princess Nanxin 3

Chapter 381 Traveling again, killing Princess Nanxin 3
Chapter 150 VII Traveling Again, Killing Princess Nanxin

There were still a lot of people going back and forth all around, all of them were terrified, as if something very big had happened.And when they occasionally saw me, they opened their mouths wide open, as if they saw a monster!
Ok!I admit that my attire is really quite different!
I was about to use my personal charm to see if I could persuade the guards around me to untie me, but I heard a voice asking: "General Helian, what's going on?" That voice was vaguely familiar...

Hearing the words, the mighty general immediately returned respectfully like a puppy meeting its master: "His Royal Highness Huixian, the Crown Princess...the Crown Princess was assassinated and died!" Misfortune is general.

When the virtuous king heard this, he was not surprised at all, but asked calmly, "Did you catch the assassin?"

General Na Helian pointed, "The assassin was caught on the spot, right there!" After speaking, he led the Xian Wang towards me.I was horrified in my heart, and thought to myself why I was so unlucky that I became an assassin as soon as I wore it back?But the moment he saw that virtuous king, he suddenly became pleasantly surprised again!

"My God! Nerd, is that you?"

I couldn't hide my surprise and shouted out loudly, that Xian Wang had obviously only seen me in such a dress, and was immediately shocked by my bold exposure!Turning his head to General Na Helian, he said: "Find her a dress, how decent is this!"

I dare to say that he was so scared by my appearance that he didn't even hear my words!

I shouted again: "Hey, nerd, it's mine, I'm Feifei! I bought your Feifei for 1 taels!" When I was talking just now, some guards wanted to stop me. The superior is here, there is no way to export.Seeing that I was speaking rudely again at this moment, I couldn't help shouting: "Bold! This is His Royal Highness the King of Nanxin!"

The virtuous king obviously heard my second call, he was stunned for a long time before he came to me, but he didn't dare to look at my body, he just stared at my face.

I was angry, and shouted again: "Bookworm, you don't even know me! Let me say it for the last time, I am Feifei, Ye Feifei is gone! How is my Shangri-la? What kind of king are you here to be, my Shouldn't the hotel be destroyed by you?"

(End of this chapter)

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