The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 382 Traveling again, killing Princess Nanxin 4

Chapter 382 Traveling again, killing Princess Nanxin 4
Chapter 150 VII Traveling Again, Killing Princess Nanxin

I was angry, and shouted again: "Bookworm, you don't even know me! Let me say it for the last time, I am Feifei, Ye Feifei is gone! How is my Shangri-la? What kind of king are you here to be, my Shouldn't the hotel be destroyed by you?"

His eyes widened suddenly, and he said in disbelief, " are Feifei?" Then he looked me up and down with his eyes wide open.That exaggerated expression obviously means that this is too unreal, how could Feifei look like you!

I gave him a frustrated look, and said angrily, "Nangong Xinran, is there another person in this world who calls you a nerd? Or a little scholar? Oh, I forgot that when I bought you, I gave you What nickname did you get!"

I pursed my mouth and rolled my eyes, thinking carefully.

He obviously had some letters, so he untied me himself. "You... are you really Feifei?" I couldn't help knocking him, and said angrily: "Yes, it's not fried, not boiled, or baked, it's steamed! Depressed, how many times do you want me to say it? Only believe it!"

The surrounding guards were startled when they saw that I dared to knock on their virtuous king, but Nangong Xinran didn't pay much attention. She reached out and touched her head, looked at my attire, and said in disbelief, "But you...but You look like this... well, it's too unreal!"

I simply stepped on the high-heeled shoes and turned around in front of him, blinked, and said mischievously: "How is it? Does it look good?"

The surrounding guards immediately had their eyeballs fall off!Nangong Xinran blushed, and hurriedly said: "Okay, don't do this!" Then he coughed seriously, and the guards around him didn't dare to look any more.Nangong Xinran was quite embarrassed, she even forgot to explain to the general, and took me away.

I am so happy!It turns out that you can travel between life and death!

But it's so strange, didn't I get hit by a car before crossing, and I lost so much blood, but now I'm fine after coming here, nothing happened.Touching his neck, the ring is still there!It didn't disappear either!
I kept asking questions along the way, but Nangong Xinran seemed very shy, and didn't answer me very much, just kept walking forward.Moreover, we didn't bump into any guards or servants on the way. I think he is too conservative, afraid that my appearance like this will scare people!

In fact, my dress is already very ladylike. Fortunately, I didn't wear a miniskirt or a camisole or something, otherwise I would scare him to death!

(End of this chapter)

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