The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 383 Traveling again, killing Princess Nanxin 5

Chapter 383 Traveling again, killing Princess Nanxin 5
Chapter 150 VII Traveling Again, Killing Princess Nanxin

I kept asking questions along the way, but Nangong Xinran seemed very shy, and didn't answer me very much, just kept walking forward.Moreover, we didn't bump into any guards or servants on the way. I think he is too conservative, afraid that my appearance like this will scare people!

In fact, my dress is already very ladylike. Fortunately, I didn't wear a miniskirt or a camisole or something, otherwise I would scare him to death!

Finally arrived at a bedroom, Nangong Xinran ordered the maid to bring a few sets of clothes, I chose a lake green one, changed into it, and asked the maid to help me smooth my hair a little bit, and fixed it with emerald green hairpins, but The back is still draped a bit, but it is obviously much better than before.

He was admiring the flowers in the garden, and I jumped over and patted him on the shoulder. He obviously knew I was coming, but he was still taken aback by me.

I laughed, "Hey, nerd, I have never seen you so timid before, and you are not so shy, why are you so afraid now? And oh, why have you become some kind of virtuous king? Aren't you Do you sell calligraphy and paintings on the street?"

I sat down on the stone bench next to me, put my arms on the stone table in front of me, rested my chin in my hands, and tilted my head to look at him very interestingly.

He looked at me carefully, and said seriously: "Well, this looks like a 7-point score. already...uh, didn't you jump off the cliff two years ago? How did you become Like this? Then he became an assassin again? He actually killed my Nan Xin's concubine?"

I was surprised when I heard his difficult words, "What? 2 years ago? Who said that I jumped off a cliff? I was just seriously injured by the master of the Night Palace." what!I once saw in a dream that the Fart King jumped off the cliff with my "corpse" in his arms. Is it true?Also, I stayed here for 3 months, and it took 3 hours to go back.And what I travel back to is, do the math, one day and one night, exactly 24 hours, 2 years have passed here?

Oh my god!My head hurts so much! In 2 years, many things can happen!
Sure enough, Nangong Xinran looked at me in astonishment, and said with some difficulty: "But, I heard a bad story, after you were seriously injured by the Mistress of the Night Palace, her brother Wang was so sad that he jumped off the cliff with you..."

Although I had foreseen it in my dream, I was still struck by thunder!
Feifei is eating, hehe, typing while eating~~~
(End of this chapter)

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