The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 384 Traveling again, killing Princess Nanxin 6

Chapter 384 Traveling again, killing Princess Nanxin 6
Chapter 150 VII Traveling Again, Killing Princess Nanxin

Although I had foreseen it in my dream, I was still struck by thunder!

King of Farts, he actually hugged my... dead body and jumped off the cliff?In an instant, an indescribable pain surged up all over my body, and it hurt my heart!He is such a domineering, selfish and unreasonable person, he is evil and fierce, and he often bullies me, not allowing me this, not allowing me that, and hitting me hard!

But he actually hugged my "corpse" for favoritism!

I stood up blankly, staring at Nangong Xinran in a daze, but the light in my eyes penetrated into the distant memory!King of Farts, how could you... how could you be so stupid?His words faintly sounded in my ears, "Feifei, let me love you, let me love you, in this world, I believe there is no one who loves you more than me..." Hehe, I didn't believe it at the time, but now, I really believe it Already...

Even a big satyr might not be able to do something, but he, an emperor, did it!Really, really, it surprised me!
My eyes were hot, and I choked up and murmured to myself: "Then... what will Donglin Kingdom do after he dies? Without the emperor, wouldn't the country be in chaos?" I dare not imagine, those people who are just about to move , how will they fight for the throne...

Nangong Xinran seemed to know about my entanglement with the Fart King and the others. She probably told him badly, and gave me a veil lightly. on the ground...

Nangong Xinran let out a long sigh, picked it up, and helped me wipe away my tears.

"Dongfang Yunmo is holding you...uh, after jumping off the cliff, the king of Donglin, Dongfang Yunyi, took over the throne of Donglin Kingdom. Poor Dongfang Yunmo has no heirs yet, just like that... oh! I admire him a lot, an emperor, You don't know how shocked the outside world is when they are willing to show favoritism for you! Moreover, he was once such a warlike king. It can be said that he is the most powerful among our countries , I thought he was as cold-blooded and bloodthirsty as rumored outside, but I never imagined that his inner world is so dedicated!"

Lost in heart, crossing in the maze of the moon, looking out of Taoyuan, there is nowhere to find.

It can be worthy of a lonely grave accompanied by the cold spring, and the setting sun in the sound of cuckoos.

Recalling the countless spring breezes, sending the post to the depths of epiphyllum,

Who shed a man's tears for, and built this tree of hatred without weight.

I was already very sad, but he was still saying this, and then recited such a more sad word, I couldn't control myself, the tears flowed more and more, and finally he didn't wipe it away , I can't finish it anyway.

I said sadly: "The pervert...has he become the emperor?"

(End of this chapter)

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