Chapter 386 Wanting me to be his princess 1
Chapter 150 Eighth Wants Me to Be His Crown Princess

He was stunned, and his face was full of sadness in an instant, and he said with a little pain: "This story is very long, I will tell you when I come back! Anyway, everything is too late, there is no chance! Sigh..."

After that, he walked away and ignored me.

After the nerd left, I was left alone in the garden in a daze!As long as a person is alone, it is easy to think wildly. I am now, and my mind can be said to be extremely complicated, and I don't know how to sort it out.

Thinking of everything between the big satyr and me, my heart is mostly sore and lost, and also faintly mixed with disappointment.

I'm selfish, how I wish it was he who proposed to dissolve the engagement!It's a pity, but it's Yueyue'er who I never expected.I know that even if he knew the truth, apart from being angry, he would more or less consider Yue Yue'er's feelings, so he didn't take the initiative to terminate the engagement.Because if it is brought up by the man, Yueyue'er will not have to mess around in the future.

However, I still hope he brought it up.

My deepest, imaginary love is the kind of love that throws itself in the face of all distractions.I also naively believed that love can make people forget everything and overcome everything.However, I don't know if it's God's will or what, there are many barriers between the pervert and me.

First of all, it was artificial, the empress dowager's disapproval, and the fart king's obstruction. Although the big pervert tried hard, even if he wanted to elope with me in the end, he failed in the end.Later, it was the interference of external forces, and Yueyue'er caused trouble from it, and she actually gave him crazy fans.

As a result, he remembered everything, but he just forgot about me!

There are blows, but the stubborn me once naively thought that the power of love is infinite, why can't I even overcome this?And once secretly thought, if the King of Farts ate the infatuation powder, would he overcome the power of the drug and let love gain the upper hand?
As a result, there is no need to experiment!

Because the Fart King can even give up his life, what else can't be overcome?What King of Farts brought me was a shock, a shock from the soul!Such a proud emperor can abandon everything just for a woman, what else does he need to test?

(End of this chapter)

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