Chapter 387 Wanting me to be his princess 2
Chapter 150 Eighth Wants Me to Be His Crown Princess

Because the Fart King can even give up his life, what else can't be overcome?What King of Farts brought me was a shock, a shock from the soul!Such a proud emperor can abandon everything just for a woman, what else does he need to test?

I used to think that the pervert's love for me before was so desperate!
Is it true that love must go through something before it can be tempered to purity?My first love was given to the pervert!He even said that all my hopes were given to him!But, after all, he failed to convince the queen mother, and he also failed to pass the test of the king of stinky farts. She also took the initiative to tell Yueyue'er about the medicine, and she also proposed to dissolve the engagement on her own initiative!
When all the barriers were lifted, I didn't have that impulse!

Is first love always like this, with sourness in sweetness, disappointment in anticipation?My first love should be regarded as a beautiful memory, treasured under the lake of my heart, maybe one day, when I wake up, it will bloom beautiful flowers in my dream again!
Big satyr, my heart hurts!
A gust of breeze blew, and my face was cool. I picked up a silk handkerchief and wiped it, but it was still wet.Close your eyes and take a deep breath, what should I do?What should I do? ...A vague fragrance floats in, faintly, as if in a dream...

My heart was shocked, this smell, as if I had smelled it before!

That's right, I smelled it in my dream in the 21st century!It was a valley, in the valley there were many flowers, many butterflies, a hut, a lonely grave, and a lonely figure with its back to me...

That valley has such a light taste!
Like finding a life-saving straw, I followed this fragrance like a lingering dream. Gradually, I passed through the yard, and there was a big pond in front of it. Around the pond, there were small white flowers, petite random flowers. The wind swayed.

I closed my eyes and sniffed vigorously, it was this smell!
I'm excited, the King of Farts isn't here, is he?But what I dreamed was a valley!I dare not give up the slightest hope, and continue to walk along the side of the pond.At the end of the pond is a wall with a door. I walked through it without hesitation, but it was a different scene.

I saw a large sea of ​​flowers in front of me, blooming wantonly, and the sea of ​​flowers was blowing waves with the wind, I was stunned to see it!

(End of this chapter)

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