Chapter 388 Wanting me to be his princess 3
Chapter 150 Eighth Wants Me to Be His Crown Princess

I saw a large sea of ​​flowers in front of me, blooming wantonly, and the sea of ​​flowers was blowing waves with the wind, I was stunned to see it!

I stretched my eyes, looked at everything in front of me vigorously, rubbed my eyes in disbelief, and looked again, the sea of ​​flowers was still there.This is like a dream!I was so excited, I raised my voice and called out regardless: "Fart King, where are you? Come out quickly, Feifei is here to find you..."

No one answered!
I yelled a few more times, but there was still silence, and I sat down on the ground slumped, King of Farts, are you dead or alive?I believe my dream is real!I dreamed that you jumped off a cliff with "me" in your arms, you really did that!I dreamed that you were guarding in the valley, always with the lonely grave, you must be...

"Yes, I am so stupid! How can there be a valley in the palace!"

I patted my head and talked to myself, only to realize that I was so nervous about the Fart King!That's right, he didn't even want his life for me, it's only natural for me to be nervous about him!I was in a daze, when suddenly there was a "chi" smile from behind, I was in a bad mood, I turned my head angrily, and looked for that annoying sounding body!

I saw a rather evil-looking man standing behind me in Yingfeng.

His pupils are very coquettish, like peach blossom eyes, and also like long and narrow phoenix eyes, when they are opened they are peach blossom eyes, and when they are slightly narrowed, they become phoenix eyes.She was dressed a bit like Nangong Xinran, she was looking me up and down with her eyes open and closed for a while.Most of the eyes stayed on my long curly hair, and then they lingered on my chest and waist.

Out of a woman's sensitivity, I hate him very much, I feel that this person is not simple!
Because this time I am the real self, I am taller than the previous "Ye Feifei", and my figure is more mature. If I wear modern clothes, I will definitely have a bulging front and back.Although this ancient skirt is much more conservative, but because it is summer, the skirt yarn is very thin, and it can still set off my beautiful curves.

But the pair of peach blossom eyes in front of him seemed to see through people. I even felt like I was not wearing clothes in front of him, which made me extremely uncomfortable.

He was still watching, I was angry, curled my lips, raised my chin and sneered: "Hey, what are you looking at? Don't you know it's impolite to look at girls like this? If you look again, I'll dig out a pair of your eyeballs Come, and play as a glass ball!"

(End of this chapter)

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