Chapter 389 Wanting me to be his princess 4
Chapter 150 Eighth Wants Me to Be His Crown Princess

He was still watching, I was angry, curled my lips, raised my chin and sneered: "Hey, what are you looking at? Don't you know it's impolite to look at girls like this? If you look again, I'll dig out a pair of your eyeballs Come, and play as a glass ball!"

"Chi", he laughed again, his peach blossom eyes turned into phoenix eyes. "Are you the assassin?"

I was stunned, who is this guy?Are you here to catch me?I quickly changed into horror, pretending to be innocent, "Assassin? Ah———, is there an assassin here? Where is it? Who do you want to assassinate?"

He looked at my appearance unmoved, smiled evilly, and walked towards me step by step. "Since you killed her, then you will be my princess!"

Oh buy high!Don't scare me!I waved my hands like rattles, "Don't, don't, I'm married and married, so I can no longer be a princess! Besides, we are not the same kind at all, and we can't be together! "

I am a human, he is a demon, of course not the same kind!
There was a smile on his lips, "It's okay, you will gradually become the same type of person! I will know if you are married or not, and you can't hide it from me!" After finishing speaking, he stretched out his hand to my Arm buckled.

I was scared, sweating all over my head!
In desperation, he took a step back, simply showing a charming and sweet smile, and said with a charming smile: "You, do you really want me to be your princess?" He looked at me playfully and nodded!I smiled charmingly again, hooked my little finger, he was slightly stunned, and then leaned over feeling amused.

I put my mouth into his cheek, almost touching the skin of his face!
With sharp eyes, I immediately saw his ears, which seemed to be a little red, and even his cheeks were a little red.Ouch, I snickered in my heart, you still want to tease me just because of your reaction?I deliberately wiped his face with my lips, he trembled slightly, and I immediately shouted in my heart, "One, two, three! Let's go!"

Then the left leg was lifted up fiercely, and without any accident, it was pressing against his root!

"Oh!" He cried out in pain, bending over and squatting down.I smiled coquettishly, "It's just to see if you can do it. Experiments have proved that you can't do it! So you can't marry me as a princess at all! Hehe, go to the pain yourself, I will not accompany you!"
Next episode preview:

Chapter 150 Nine Mistaken Good People, Pretending to be a Crown Princess and Going Back to Donglin
(End of this chapter)

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