The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 390 Mistakenly a good person, pretending to be a princess Chapter Donglin Kingdom 1

Chapter 390 Mistakenly a good person, pretending to be a princess and returning to Donglin Kingdom 1
Chapter 150 Nine Mistaken Good People, Pretending to be a Crown Princess and Going Back to Donglin

Then the left leg was lifted up fiercely, and without any accidents, it just hit his root!

"Oh!" He cried out in pain, bending over and squatting down.I smiled coquettishly, "It's just to see if you can do it. Experiments have proved that you can't do it! So you can't marry me as a princess at all! Hehe, go to the pain yourself, I will not accompany you!"

Hee hee smiled, turned around and ran!
"Oh my god! Brother Prince, what's the matter with you? Feifei, you...what did you do to Brother Prince?" As soon as I turned my head, I ran into a nerd walking from behind, and then saw a man squatting on the ground with a painful expression on his face. Peach Blossom Eyes, you actually said that about me, I was so angry, I pouted my mouth and retorted: "Hey! Bookworm, you should ask, did Peach Blossom Eyes do anything to me? He is a man who is so normal that he can't be more normal , I'm just a little girl, what can I do with him?"

The nerd was at a loss for words, he just took a few steps to lift up his peach eyes on the ground, and said concernedly: "Brother Prince, you...are you alright?"

Taohuayan frowned in pain and said: "I guess, it's nothing serious!" Oh hahaha~~ I laughed so hard that there were no big things, but there were small things!It is estimated that there will be some problems with urination and defecation today!I grinned and ran forward. With the nerd around, I am not afraid of him anymore. I poked his arm with my finger, "Hey, Taohuayan, now you can't marry me as the princess!"

Peach... Peach Blossom Eyes?

That guy was angry and funny, with a very rich expression on his face, he twisted his face and said in pain: "Second brother, I really regret not listening to you, I insisted on running to see what this weird girl is like, Now I have seen it! is indeed the best!"

The nerd couldn't help but smile, but quickly stopped, and said with concern: "Brother Prince, are you okay? Do you want me to call the imperial doctor for you?"

Tao Huayan hurriedly stopped him and said, "Don't! need, it will be fine in a while, it will be fine in a while! Hey hey..." I wanted to straighten up and take two steps, but I didn't know that I would bend over in pain as soon as I moved, but I couldn't. He dared to cover it with his hands, but his face was full of pain, and he was just holding back.

The nerd didn't know what happened to him, but seeing him in such pain, he said anxiously: "I see that you are in such pain, you should call the doctor!" He turned his head and said to me who squinted his eyes: Feifei, Brother Prince has said all the good things for you in front of your father, so that you will not be punished, so don't make trouble anymore!"

(End of this chapter)

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