The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 394 Mistakenly a good person, pretending to be a princess Chapter Donglin Kingdom 5

Chapter 394 Mistakenly a good person, pretending to be a princess and returning to Donglin Kingdom 5
Chapter 150 Nine Mistaken Good People, Pretending to be a Crown Princess and Going Back to Donglin

I was very disdainful, "Why do you trade women for it? It's so abominable! Men are born of women, and it is extremely abominable to spoil their mothers like this!" Thinking about how women in history, no matter where they are Times, why are they so miserable?Humble?I cut!

The nerd was frightened by my bold words. He looked at me nervously and horrified for a while, and then continued: "This is a custom handed down from generation to generation, and it is difficult to change. Piao Piao hopes to become such a kind of trader." goods in exchange for her father's life."

I frowned, "Then she can also choose to marry you? Why the prince?"

The nerd's face turned miserable, and he said sadly: "Because the two parties to the transaction must be the kings of the two countries, or the heir to the throne. I am only a virtuous king, and I am not qualified. So Piao Piao can only marry the prince, and then My father is gone. The father is old, and the prince is the best candidate. The prince knows about me and Piao Piao, but he has no ability to change it. Sometimes it has to be done for the sake of politics."

I can understand this, and there are many such political marriages in the 21st century.I patted him on the shoulder and comforted him; "It's okay, isn't the one who is marrying now her maid? You still have a chance!"

The nerd is not as optimistic as I am, "The key is that she doesn't want to! She thinks I hurt her father, and even if we recognize each other, she won't forgive me. Dongfang Yunyi didn't plan to let her marry me, Nan Xin. Yes, it was she who begged for death, which led to this result. She hated me, and deliberately wanted to marry Nan Xin, so that I could see her once and feel sad once."

I didn't expect Piao Piao to be so staunch. When I see her, I must persuade her. "Then what happened to her maid?"

"When I met her, her maid was by the side, so she naturally knew our story. Originally, I took her away, but she didn't want to. For her father, she said she could give up everything!...Later For some reason, the one who got married was replaced by her servant girl!"

I am happy, there is a play.

Encouragingly said; "Don't worry, you two are definitely having fun. Since the one you married is her maid, it means that there is still room for change between the two of you, and the matter has not yet reached the point of hopelessness. When we return to Donglin Kingdom , everything you have to do according to my will, including you get her sincerity!"

(End of this chapter)

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