The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 395 Mistakenly a good person, pretending to be a princess Chapter Donglin Kingdom 6

Chapter 395 Mistakenly a good person, pretending to be a princess and returning to Donglin Kingdom 6
Chapter 150 Nine Mistaken Good People, Pretending to be a Crown Princess and Going Back to Donglin

Encouragingly said; "Don't worry, you two are definitely having fun. Since the one you married is her maid, it means that there is still room for change between the two of you, and the matter has not yet reached the point of hopelessness. When we return to Donglin Kingdom , everything you have to do according to my will, including you get her sincerity!"

The nerd stared blankly at me, who was full of confidence, "Is it okay?"

I patted my chest and promised, "Of course, Feifei can do anything!" Hehe, the cowhide is a bit too much, but you must give him confidence, otherwise the two of them will be the kind of pedantic and stubborn people. Maybe it just froze like this, and the day lily was cold!

"Okay, the matter between the two of you can come to an end, now you can tell me, why do you want me to marry that peachy eye?"

The nerd actually smiled slightly, "Only you will give people nicknames, and everyone is not immune." I glanced at him, "Is this a good nickname, you must know how to appreciate it!" He didn't care, and continued: "I don't want you to marry the prince, but I want you to pretend to be the princess and return home to visit relatives."

I don't understand, I looked at him vaguely.

He continued to explain tirelessly; "We have blocked the news that the Crown Princess was killed by you. If this matter gets out, the consequences will be very troublesome. You happen to be going back to Donglin Kingdom again, so you will pretend to be the Crown Princess , and then after returning to Donglin, Dongfang Yunyi can choose another girl to marry to replace her. In this way, outsiders will not notice."

I widened my eyes and said in amazement: "No way, are you willing to have peach blossom eyes like this? Just marry any woman?"

The nerd frowned, as if guessing the meaning of "marriage", and said, "Brother Prince is a very nice person, I believe that any girl who marries him will be a happy thing!"

He spoke confidently, but I sneered disdainfully: "Just his pair of peach eyes? Forget it, he is definitely a womanizer! The woman who marries him is really unlucky, maybe she will spend the rest of her life as a woman." Tears washed my face!"

The nerd was angry and funny, with a look of helplessness that I had no choice but to say, "That's because he looks like the queen mother, it doesn't mean he's bad! Forget it, I'm going back to Donglin tomorrow. escort."

I was happy for a while, and then depressed immediately.My heart is nervous and longing, the big satyr has become the emperor, I'm about to see him...but the king of farts is dead, I... no, he must not be dead!I'm going to find the valley, the valley...

I was excited for a while, and pulled the nerd back to the sea of ​​flowers just now, pointed at the vast fragrance of flowers tremblingly, and said tremblingly: "Bookworm, do you know where there are such flowers? No, where is there a valley?" , there are such flowers in it?"

(End of this chapter)

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