Chapter 396
Chapter 160

I was happy for a while, and then depressed immediately.

My heart is nervous and longing, the big satyr has become the emperor, I'm about to see him...but the king of farts is dead, I... no, he must not be dead!I'm going to find the valley, the valley...

I was excited for a while, and pulled the nerd back to the sea of ​​flowers just now, pointed at the vast fragrance of flowers tremblingly, and said tremblingly: "Bookworm, do you know where there are such flowers? No, where is there a valley?" , there are such flowers in it?"

The nerd was stunned, "I have traveled to many places, but I don't know which valley has such flowers?"

I was very disappointed, and said sadly; "How come you don't know? You have traveled to so many places...Think about it, maybe you can remember...I must know, I must find him..."

The nerd picked a flower and looked at it carefully, "This flower is called Xiao Hongyan. It has many colors, the most common one is white. It is a plant that blooms in four seasons. In spring, it is mostly red, yellow, green, pink, and in summer It is usually white, in autumn it is purple, plum, and in winter it is gray. The reason why it is called Xiao Hongyan is because its color is gorgeous, like a beautiful woman, blooming with a smile..."

My heart trembled when I heard it, King of Farts, why did you choose to live in seclusion in such a valley?

Smiling beauty, smiling beauty, so many colors, do they represent every mood and memory?Red is for laughter, white is for injury, purple is for sinking, gray is for defeat... King of farts, where are you?After all, is there such a valley in this world?

I also picked one, and inserted it obliquely into the sideburns...

Gorgeous carriages, graceful palace skirts, huge official team, and groups of guards.I was hustled and sat in the carriage, and the nerd led the team in person. There were about 2000 people returning home, and they just set off.In fact, how I wish I could be like a nerd, riding on a tall horse, sightseeing left and right to browse the scenery!

It's a pity that I pretended to be the princess, so I could only sit in the carriage and enjoy the most considerate sin!Even if you want to lift the curtain and look at the surrounding environment, it won't work.The nerd is a bit pedantic, always reminding me to maintain the elegance and luxury that a "princess" should have, and never show my face.And what if someone who knows Ye Piaopiao in the return team sees that I am a fake, wouldn't it be a mess?
God, I just held back like this, sitting in the tightly closed carriage, enjoying the blessing!

God knows, what a painful thing this is!Just as I was thinking about it, I suddenly heard the sound of horseshoes running over quickly outside, and the team stopped after a while. I became curious and couldn't help but lift the curtain, only to see the nerd riding his horse back, and the team behind him The people and horses started talking, and I stretched out my head to look, oh, the leader seems to be Ziyu!

(End of this chapter)

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