Chapter 399
Chapter 160

I looked at Ziyu with a smile, blinked my eyes charmingly, and said meaningfully; "Ziyu, do you still recognize me?" He waved away all the people around him.I'm afraid that my appearance will ruin the good image of their Crown Princess Nanxin.

Ziyu's smiling face was stunned, as if she came closer and found that my face was somewhat similar, but she couldn't stare at me fiercely, so she had to maintain the etiquette that a prince should have, and replied with a smile: "I heard that your highness the princess It is the two thousand pieces of gold from the Minister's Mansion in the east, and it has been rumored that Her Highness the Crown Princess is gentle and generous, with a dignified manner, and when I saw her today, I realized that Her Highness the Crown Princess is still so charming and lovely, what a pleasure to meet you!"

Damn, he really didn't recognize me?
I was a little unhappy, and pouted my mouth and said bluntly: "Hey, Xiziyu, you used to be so pushy and indifferent to me, why are you so interested today? You changed your nature where?"

The nerd next to him was sweating on his forehead, first he clasped his fists at Ziyu who was dumbfounded and said, "Your Highness, the Crown Princess was frightened the day before yesterday, so she behaved a little abnormally, please don't mind, Your Highness!"

After speaking, she winked at me again, and said softly: "Crown Princess, it's hot outside, go to bed and rest."

I didn't, I pushed him past him, continued to face Ziyu who was stunned, poked his chest with my finger, blinked and rolled my eyes, and said with a charming smile: "Ziyu, your big hand Where's the bird? Why don't you see him following you to protect you?"

Ziyu was startled and looked at me in disbelief.

I took a step back and raised my face slightly, letting him take a good look.That big bird is his bodyguard, the bird man who helped him catch me on Baihuayan before.I once said to his face that his bodyguards are birdmen.

Ziyu's expression was unpredictable. Looking at my face, she stretched out her hand, but she didn't dare to move.His eyes were full of grief and complicated emotions, he wanted to scream but didn't dare to scream, finally, his lips moved, " are..." but finally he didn't say it.

I know that he must have seen me "dead" with his own eyes, and saw the King of Farts hugging my "corpse" and jumping off the cliff, so even if I look like me, he still can't believe it!Unless I tell him personally, seeing the unexplainable grief on his face, I can't bear it anymore. Suddenly, I took a few steps back, picked up a clod on the ground, and threw it at his clothes.

(End of this chapter)

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