Chapter 400
Chapter 160

I know that he must have seen me "dead" with his own eyes, and saw the King of Farts hugging my "corpse" and jumping off the cliff, so even if I look like me, he still can't believe it!Unless I tell him personally, seeing the unexplainable grief on his face, I can't bear it anymore. Suddenly, I took a few steps back, picked up a clod on the ground, and threw it at his clothes.

It was too late for the nerd to stop him, so he blurted out in a hurry: "Feifei, oh Feifei, what are you doing?"

A clod of dirt hit Ziyu's clothes, he stared blankly at the part of his clothes that was soiled by the clod, and suddenly heard the bookworm blurt out "Feifei", he was stunned again and again.But I suddenly laughed out loud with my stomach in my hands, I couldn't straighten my waist, then pointed at his clothes tremblingly, and still laughed: "Aha...ahaha...I laughed so hard, it's so fun...very cute really looks like a Mickey Mouse...or a one-eared Mickey Mouse..."

Ziyu's body was extremely shaken, and she took a few steps back in disbelief again, looking at my smiling face, her eyes widened.

I'm still laughing, but if he can't react anymore, I won't be able to stop laughing.Suddenly there was a blur in front of my eyes, "Ouch", I let out a happy cry, a strong force pulled me into a hug, and then a pair of arms hugged me tightly, holding me almost out of breath.

"Ahem... Ziyu, you want to suffocate me?"

He ignored me and continued to hold me until I coughed again, then he released me tremblingly, and said excitedly in a trembling voice: "Feifei, is it really you? Is it really you? I thought you... I thought you were... never coming back..."

And then another hug!
The nerd completely surrendered, and suggested helplessly: "You two, can you go to the tent first, and then catch up on the past before it's too late?" Ziyu didn't seem to hear it, and only after about a minute later, he let go of me again. Follow me to the tent.

Before I could sit still, he couldn't wait to ask: "What's going on?"

I don't know what to say, could it be that I am a human being from 1000 years later, traveling through time and space?The previous one was possessed by my soul, and after my death, my soul traveled back. This is the true deity, and it traveled back again?
I rubbed my head, frowned and said, "Hey, hey, it's really hard to explain! Can you please stop asking this question, I don't know how to explain it! Anyway, I'm still alive, isn't that enough?"

Ziyu nodded, "Yes, it's good that you live!" She didn't speak, but just looked at me.The nerd is on the side, after all, I am a "Princess Concubine", if I am alone in the same tent with the prince of a neighboring country, then the rumor will have a big impact, if there is an extra virtuous king by my side, everything will be nothing to worry about .The nerds have only heard all about the pervert and the king of stinky farts from my bad mouth, but they don't know that there is a Ziyu, I'm afraid they haven't figured it out yet.

(End of this chapter)

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