The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 405 The remnants of the night palace are entangled and tied up again 4

Chapter 405 The remnants of the night palace are entangled and tied up again 4
Chapter 160: Entangled by the Remnants of the Night Palace, He Was Tied Again


I especially remember one scene where the Fart King ran away from the prison covered in bruises without even wearing his shoes, and carried me out who had almost no signs of life... Behind me, there was blood all the way... just like that "laugh Like "the beauty", she is so red and red, even under the starry sky, she is so heart-wrenching... Later, she knelt down to the imperial doctors, only begging to save the girl on the bed...

I cried!
In the dream, I cried to death!It was Xiao Min who woke me up. Looking back now, I still can't help but burst into tears!Could this be true?Why, I have no memory at all?But in the dream, the painful feeling was so clear, as if history had reappeared!My pain, his pain, are clearly felt...

Later, he even hugged my "corpse" and jumped off the cliff to die in love!
What the Fart King brought me was shocking!Deep soul shock!What I remember and what I don’t remember, the past and the present will all reappear in the dream of the 21st century!Even, he may still be alive now, and he may be living in seclusion in a certain valley, I dreamed about it in my dream...

Is this a kind of traction in the dark?

Did his spirit enter my dream and tell me, or did my spirit accompany him and see it with my own eyes?Or, both have the same meaning, because each other's souls have been intertwined, and they can't tell each other apart...

He has done many things that are impossible to happen to an emperor, all of them have been done!

I thought the pervert could take me away, but it didn't!I never thought that the King of Farts would give up his country and even his life for me, but he did it!Why...why... big pervert, do you know how much hope I place on you?Why, not you? …

I hate it!
I hate fate for teasing me like this, destroying my first love to pieces!Things that can be won, but in the end, end up with infinite regret!Is it because it is not deep enough, so there is no way to do the best?I love big satyrs, so much that I would give up my life!However, he did not love me like I love him!However, I believe what the Fart King said, "I love you more than you love him!"

Yes, I believe it!
The love of the Fart King for me is greater than my love for the pervert!So, do I have to travel time and time again to find such a love that goes deep into the soul?I touched the ring on my neck and closed my eyes!Secretly praying, "If everything is really destined, please tell me, where is the king of stinky farts..."

"Want to know where he is? I can take you there!"
It's not over yet, I'll post a few chapters first, I'm writing it, and I'll upload it later~~~
(End of this chapter)

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