The ever-changing and enchanting concubine: smiling like a rosy face

Chapter 406 The remnants of the night palace are entangled and tied up again 5

Chapter 406 The remnants of the night palace are entangled and tied up again 5
Chapter 160: Entangled by the Remnants of the Night Palace, He Was Tied Again


The love of the Fart King for me is greater than my love for the pervert!So, do I have to travel time and time again to find such a love that goes deep into the soul?I touched the ring on my neck and closed my eyes!Secretly praying, "If everything is really destined, please tell me, where is the king of stinky farts..."

"Want to know where he is? I can take you there!"

I was startled, and raised my eyes to look for the source of the sound, only to see a black shadow jumping over the lake and jumping on the waves, and it was in front of me in an instant.At the same time, I heard Ziyu's voice from behind saying: "Fly back quickly, it's dangerous..."

However, it's too late!
The man in black didn't cover his face, and when he got in front of me, I realized that she was actually Queen Murong Xueyan!She was wearing a black gauze dress, full of weirdness and mystery, with a little finger, I immediately fell limp in her arms.He gently turned around with me in his arms, facing the crowd of Ziyu who swarmed in.

The bookworm also dared to come with a large group of guards, bent his bow and set up an arrow, aiming at Murong Xueyan.

Ziyu just looked at her with resentment, his eyes were abnormally cold, as if he had returned to his previous tugging and indifferent attitude towards everyone.His eyes narrowed slightly, locked on the two of us for a moment.

Murong Xueyan smiled lightly, and said in the same unhurried and unhurried manner as before: "Prince Xi is really destined, the last time we saw each other for 2 years, and we meet again today, Prince Xi is here all right?"

Ziyu snorted coldly, his eyes shivered slightly, and ignored her.

But the nerd said in a slightly anxious tone, "Let go of her, spare your life!" I laughed in my heart, this nerd, since he threatened me, how could he let me go so easily?Take her life?how could it be possible!Ziyu was the first to disagree!In the last battle, how many people died because of the Night Palace?Deep hatred and hatred, how can it be said that the word "rao" can be easily exposed!
This nerd is really kind and kind, he's just a bit pedantic, but he and Piao Piao are a good couple!

It's ridiculous that I still have the heart to think about this at this critical moment!Sure enough, Murong Xueyan chuckled, "His Royal Highness may not be too naive! Since I captured your princess, I have no intention of letting her go! If she dies, you say, Donglin and you Nanxin, What will it be like?"

Ziyu didn't wait for the nerd to speak, and said coldly first: "Huh! The prince can testify, and everything can be explained clearly! Besides, Dongfang Yunyi is the prince's friend, and the palace master should believe that the prince has the qualifications and You can convince him!"
Next episode preview:

Chapter 160 The Second Final Battle
Feifei hosts the update of "The Enchanting Concubine" today, those who watch "Standby Princess" will have to wait~~
Today's main text is over, and I will write after reading the opinions of my parents.

(End of this chapter)

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