Chapter 407 The Final Battle 1
Chapter 160 The Second Final Battle

It's ridiculous that I still have the heart to think about this at this critical moment!Sure enough, Murong Xueyan chuckled, "His Royal Highness may not be too naive! Since I captured your princess, I have no intention of letting her go! If she dies, you say, Donglin and you Nanxin, What will it be like?"

Ziyu didn't wait for the nerd to speak, and said coldly first: "Huh! The prince can testify, and everything can be explained clearly! Besides, Dongfang Yunyi is the prince's friend, and the palace master should believe that the prince has the qualifications and You can convince him!"

Murong Xueyan chuckled again, "What about Emperor Nanxin?"

Ziyu stared blankly at the bookworm.The latter coughed lightly, as if he knew that, with their style of literati and scholars in Nanxin Kingdom, they were the most traditional, and his father and king were more pedantic than him. If you want to come to his father, the king will not agree.If even the fake ones were killed at this time, and it was in the suburbs, with so many guards watching, the news would definitely not be able to be sealed anymore, if it was spread out, it would definitely cause panic in the country.

This kind of "agreement" because of "transaction" is the most valued.

Even if Donglin Kingdom doesn't pursue the responsibility, it will cause an uproar in the country, arouse the public indignation of those writers, and maybe force his father to step down!No matter what, it will be an inside station in the end, which is inevitable.

He coughed lightly at the moment; "What does the palace master want?"

Knowing that she finally had the upper hand, Murong Xueyan smiled softly and said, "I originally wanted to capture a princess and bring her back to Donglin, kill her with my own hands in front of Dongfang Yunyi, and then let your two countries go to war again. To avenge my father! To make Dongfang Yunyi pay the price for destroying my Murong clan! He didn’t kill me back then and I escaped, so he should have guessed that such a day would come.”

"However, I'm changing my mind now!"

She changed the subject, changed her tone suddenly, and said in a very scary way: "Just now I heard Prince Xi calling the Crown Princess 'Fei Fei'? Haha... I only thought it was the Crown Princess, but it turned out that she was resurrected after death. It’s Feifei! It’s the former imperial concubine of our Donglin Dynasty! Are you resurrecting from the ashes, or traveling through time again?”

(End of this chapter)

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