Chapter 409 The Final Battle 3
Chapter 160 The Second Final Battle

Just as Ziyu was about to speak, Murong Xueyan interjected: "His Royal Highness must be trapped by lovesickness, and he doesn't even know about the Cliff of Infatuation? Isn't it the place where Dongfang Yunmo died for this girl? Now it has been built It has become the most famous scenic spot in the east, how many infatuated men and women will live there forever!"

My heart trembled inexplicably, and I was shocked to the extreme!

The love of the Fart King has moved even the people of the world. Has such a forest now become a place where good men and women in the world find love?Infatuation Cliff, Infatuation Cliff, this name deeply moved me, plucking every string in my heart...Fart King, where are you?Where are you…

In fact, I'm really not sure that I can find him... It's purely a belief, a belief born in a dream...

The nerd suddenly realized, and said: "Why do you want the two of them to go there? It should be me. You kidnapped my concubine Nan Xin, what have you got to do with Prince Xi? Besides, Dongfang Yunyi has nothing to do with them. It is I, Nan Xin, who is responsible for marrying someone here..."

It's really funny in my heart, how can anyone run to die?
But as soon as he thought about it, he suddenly trembled again, and looked at the nerd in a daze.He knows the story between me and the pervert, and he also deeply knows how much Murong Xueyan hates the pervert!Then he still said that, did he do it on purpose?Don't want to let the pervert pass by?He...does he want me and the pervert to live?He clearly knew that if the big pervert didn't bring someone there, he would definitely die!Murong Xueyan's kung fu is so brilliant, if she fights alone, who will be her opponent?

But Ziyu hurriedly stopped him and said, "Brother Nangong, don't go, Yunyi and I are enough!"

His words were filled with a sense of determination, and I was even more shocked.But the nerd said stubbornly: "His Royal Highness is the future heir of the Xizi Kingdom. You must not personally risk it. Let me go. Dongfang Yunyi is also the monarch of the East, let alone Feifei..." Speaking of this, after reading I glanced at it, and said resolutely: "Anyway, this is my Nanxin country's business, so don't meddle in it!"

Ziyu didn't care about it, his bad temper was aroused, and he said coldly and arrogantly: "The palace master called me to go, why should I shrink back?"

The nerd was still about to say something, but I said angrily: "Okay, ok, are you two idiots? How could anyone rush to die? Bookworm, don't you want to be fluttering? You can't go! And Ziyu , you have Xizi Kingdom, so you can’t go! As for the big pervert, let him make his own decision! It’s best not to go, let this woman throw me down the cliff of infatuation, I want to accompany the stinky fart King, I don't want anything..."

(End of this chapter)

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