Chapter 410 The Final Battle 4
Chapter 160 The Second Final Battle

The nerd was still about to say something, but I said angrily: "Okay, ok, are you two idiots? How could anyone rush to die? Bookworm, don't you want to be fluttering? You can't go! And Ziyu , you have Xizi Kingdom, so you can’t go! As for the big pervert, let him make his own decision! It’s best not to go, let this woman throw me down the cliff of infatuation, I want to accompany the stinky fart King, I don't want anything..."

The nerd and Ziyu raised their voices together, "How can that be done!"

I gave them a blank look, and sneered: "What can I do? Go back if you have nothing to do, and don't stop me from looking for the king of stinky farts! You don't know, I am really a person from 1000 years later Oh, if you die here, you can go back 1000 years, and if you die there, you can come back here! Maybe, one day, we will meet again..."

The nerd and Ziyu said together again: "That's not okay, I have to go!"

I fainted and gave them a hard look, helpless!The legs grow on other people's bodies. Did I tie them up with a rope to prevent them from going?I really can't stand these two stinky men with stubborn tempers!If you want to die, you have to rush to go, it's crazy!
Feifei Xiaoyu: Tofu smells good!Damn, I didn't expect men to smell bad too!

Murong Xueyan has been silently letting the few of us scramble for it, only at this moment did he sneer and said: "I didn't expect you to be very charming, there are so many men vying to die for you, then this palace will be fulfilled." Let them, Dongfang Yunyi, Xiziyu, and your Highness the Xianwang! Remember, don’t play tricks! Although there is only one person in this palace, I still have the ability to do anything!"

I secretly sighed in my heart, this is all right, one more idiot is going to die!

I gave the bookworm a hard look, and said angrily: "Bookworm, what are you going to do with my sister Ye Piaopiao?" He was sad, "She won't see me, never see me again..."

I was angry and anxious, and said to Ziyu, "Ziyu, you have to help me match them up..."

Before I finished speaking, Murong Xueyan cut off my words and said: "Okay, I will take her away. If you rush from here to Donglin without stopping day and night, it will only take two and a half days. Then we will See you at Chiqingya in Xushi 2 days later. If I see a superfluous person, I'll take something off her body, missing arms or eyes, don't blame me for not explaining clearly!"

(End of this chapter)

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