Chapter 411 The Final Battle 5
Chapter 160 The Second Final Battle

Before I finished speaking, Murong Xueyan cut off my words and said: "Okay, I will take her away. If you rush from here to Donglin without stopping day and night, it will only take two and a half days. Then we will See you at Chiqingya in Xushi 2 days later. If I see a superfluous person, I'll take something off her body, missing arms or eyes, don't blame me for not explaining clearly!"

Ziyu couldn't help but shouted coldly: "How dare you!"

Murong Xueyan didn't answer, just "hehe" chuckled, suddenly I felt my waist increase, and my feet were lifted off the ground, being carried by her waist, I flew backwards, and passed across the lake just like that...

Facing Ziyu and the others, I happened to see the horror on his face clearly...

Although I don't know kung fu, I also know that the palace lord's kung fu must have improved again, otherwise how could Ziyu have such an expression?Ziyu and the pervert can't even beat Murong Xuanze, let alone the Palace Master.Unless Chu Xuan and Fart King join, and those two hidden guards, with the strength of all of them, maybe they can win...

Thinking of Chu Xuan, I don't know what happened to him...

The body was being carried away by Murong Xueyan, but she purposely said in a relaxed manner: "Hey, empress, can I ask you a few questions?" Anyway, when I don't see the pervert and the others, the empress will never hurt me. It also happens to be "connected with feelings" with her.

Murong Xueyan smiled lightly, "What's the problem? Let's talk. For a person born after 1000 years, I have always had a good temper." She flew while talking, but it didn't affect her speed at all.And listening to her speak extremely smoothly, obviously it didn't have the slightest influence.

Damn, you are really good at kung fu!

I curled my lips and said in doubt: "Tell me, how do you know that I came here after 1000 years? Could it be that you know magic spells? Or do you know physiognomy? Or, oh my god, you also came here by time travel? "

She was amused by me, slowed down, and said with great interest: "If I don't tell you, you will probably say that I am a monster if you guess. No wonder you don't know. When you were in the palace before, the Queen Mother treated you After applying seven needles to make acupuncture points, the person after the needle application will be like a completely defenseless doll. You will say whatever the Queen Mother asks, and you will not know it afterwards. It was at that time that you accidentally knew that your soul possessed It's on Ye Feifei. Now this is your body, right? It looks 5% like her, and your real name is also Ye Feifei?"

(End of this chapter)

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