Chapter 412 The Final Battle 6
Chapter 160 The Second Final Battle

She was amused by me, slowed down, and said with great interest: "If I don't tell you, you will probably say that I am a monster if you guess. No wonder you don't know. When you were in the palace before, the Queen Mother treated you After applying seven needles to make acupuncture points, the person after the needle application will be like a completely defenseless doll. You will say whatever the Queen Mother asks, and you will not know it afterwards. It was at that time that you accidentally knew that your soul possessed It's on Ye Feifei. Now this is your body, right? It looks 5% like her, and your real name is also Ye Feifei?"

She was actually a bit like those paparazzi reporters in modern times, chasing after me to interview me.

I giggled, "Yeah, my real name is Ye Feifei, and I look so similar to Ye Feifei here, maybe it's from the past and present." But I didn't take her words seriously in my heart. ?I do not believe!The seven-needle acupoints sound horrific, and will make people forget everything afterwards?It's so wicked!The Queen Mother has no skills, but I believe her!
At the same time, I understood in my heart, no wonder she knew about me, that's how she knew.

Then she said that the pervert would also know, presumably from the Queen Mother.I don't know how the pervert will feel after knowing the truth?However, the medicine he was taking at this time has not been cured, and he only loves Yueyue'er in his heart. Even if he knows about me, he will forget about it after a while...

Alas, I feel a bit lost...

Murong Xueyan continued: "What will your world be like 1000 years from now? Tell me so that I can know what my next life will be like." I laughed heartily when I heard that, and she Do you really believe in the theory of reincarnation?Although I can't explain my time travel, but I am a person of the 21st century, and I have studied science since I was a child, so I don't believe in reincarnation.

I started to play a prank, and wanted to play tricks on her, "Well, I only know that after I die, I will come to a place in the underworld, where there is a King Yama, who will let Black and White Impermanence imprison my soul, and then judge the judge of life and death." Check the book of life and death to see whether I have done more evil or more good in my life. If there are too many bad things, my soul will be forced to be thrown into the animal realm, and I will be slaughtered as a pig and dog. If there are many good things, I will continue to reincarnate As a human being, judge the wealth of the family you reincarnate according to the degree of good deeds."

Murong Xueyan is dubious, but with my own testimony, it seems that she can't help but not believe it.

Perhaps it was because she thought that she had done too many evils in her life, her complexion gradually turned ugly, and she stopped talking to me.Suddenly his face changed, and he shouted: "Hmph! Is the girl playing tricks on me? If that's the case, then how could you travel back to the previous life? Shouldn't all people be reincarnated in the next life?"

But I pretended to be relaxed and said: "Because I still have things to do in my previous life! Look at the ring on my neck, it looks the same as the one on the big pervert and the king of stinky farts, right? It is because of this that I was arrested by Yama. The king threw it back to his previous life, and asked me to restore Yelan to the country, so that I could complete the task!"

(End of this chapter)

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