Chapter 41
Chapter 34 Wits with the Evil Man

When I thought of this, my whole body couldn't help shivering.

I didn't expect that old witch, the queen mother, to be so cruel, she pretended to be kind on the surface (Author: You have never seen the queen mother... Feifei: I am so smart, I know it without seeing it, the queen mother is usually like this...), secretly doing such deeds , Actually sent a killer to kill Piao Piao.If you don't agree with someone entering the harem, you can get it. Is it worth killing to silence it?

I looked up at the evil man holding me, guessing that he must be the leader of the queen mother's killer group, so cold, so ruthless, so evil!Wow, then am I not dangerous?No, who am I, the beautiful, lovely and clever Ye Feifei!I must not be slaughtered by others, I rolled my eyes and searched in my mind to see if there is any golden idea to help me escape...

The evil man hugged me and gradually walked into a courtyard. There seemed to be voices not far away. The slight noise mixed with the voices of men and women. I seemed to see hope. I estimated the distance and measured in my heart that my invincible voice could reach The distance should be about the same.This is the Queen Mother's Tingxiang Garden, the annual Baihuayan Oh, isn't the pervert the King of Clouds?Should be participating?

No matter, block it once!
OK!I snapped my fingers in my heart, let's see what he does first, calm down, even if I want to escape, I have to look for the opportunity, now even if someone comes over right now, it won't work, I'm in his hands, wouldn't calling someone come hurt me ?If he gets angry and strikes immediately, my life will be ruined...

There were a few maids and guards waiting in the courtyard. When they saw the evil man coming in, they knelt down one after another. Before they could speak, their voices seemed to be cut off with a wave of the evil man's hand. throat.

I secretly admired it in my heart, wow, this evil guy can't see it, his aura is so domineering!

He didn't stop all the way, he hugged me straight into a room like a bedroom, and put me on the bed at once, I obediently, motionless at his mercy.After he put me away, he turned around and went out without taking the door.

God!This is simply tempting me!

I quickly took off my shoes and held them in my hands. As soon as my feet touched the ground in socks, it hurt so much!I sprained just now, but there is no way, I gritted my teeth and insisted.The front is the window, I moved a stool to the window, then pushed the window away, and there is a grass field outside.Very good, very much to my liking.I picked up the shoes and pressed a few shoe prints on the stool and the window, then dropped one on the ground, and shook the other vigorously.

Then he quickly limped back, looked around, and decided to hide under the bed.

Oh hahaha~~, a person as arrogant as you, even if you guessed that I was using tricks, you wouldn't go under the bed to look for me, would you?
About a few minutes after I hid, there was a sound of footsteps outside, apparently not alone.

I lay under the bed, not daring to vent my breath, only hearing the sound of footsteps getting closer and closer, and after entering the room, I rushed straight to the side of the bed. All felt it.


"Huh—?" There was someone who wanted to speak, but a long nasal voice stopped him, and he knew it without looking, it was the evil man.As a result, the previous voice changed his tune: "Yes, master, where is that girl? Why didn't I see her..."

(End of this chapter)

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